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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />April 22, 2004 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 2 April 22, 2004 <br />communities to take charge of defining their own health agenda. One area that the community <br />consistently identified a need for was a greater emphasis on men’s health, particularly prostate <br />cancer education, screening, and support groups. Although there have been no grant funds for <br />some time, the department has continued to work collaboratively with the community group, Efland <br />Community Voices who were able to incorporate themselves as a non-profit two years ago. <br /> <br />IV. Action Items on CONSENT Agenda <br />A. Minutes approval of March 25, 2004 meeting. <br />B. Oral Health and Obesity Research Proposal <br /> <br />Motion to approve the minutes of March 25, 2004 and the Oral Health and Obesity Research <br />Proposal was made by Matt Vizithum, seconded by Kate Wilder, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />V. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> <br />A. School Health Primary Care Grant/CHCSS <br /> <br />Both school systems in Orange County function under Health Department approved <br />protocols through a memorandum of agreement developed and signed each fall by each <br />system and the department. Three years ago, the Board of Commissioners agreed to fund <br />the addition of school nurses for each system over a four-year period that would bring the <br />number of nurses in each system to a one nurse per school standard. We are currently in <br />year two of that funding; year three funding has been included in the new budget request <br />for next year. At the end of fiscal year 04-05, Orange County School District will have <br />achieved the one nurse per school standard and at the end of fiscal year 05-06 the Chapel <br />Hill Carrboro City School (CHCCS) district will be at the one nurse per school standard. <br /> <br />Stephanie Willis, Health Coordinator for CHCCS reported that CHCCS has been fortunate in <br />that three of their school nurses are also licensed as nurse practitioners. They have not been <br />practicing at this level; however, the district would like to begin offering limited primary care <br />by these nurse practitioners to students in three schools. One nurse practitioner would be <br />serving the Head Start program that is operated by the CHCCS district in Chapel Hill. The <br />Health Department supported the district in applying for a small grant through Kate B. <br />Reynolds to begin this new effort. Staff believes that this effort will be valuable in <br />decreasing student absenteeism and will provide those students who are most vulnerable <br />with early acute care and potentially reduce the spread of common illnesses among the <br />student body. <br /> <br />The District has requested that the Orange County Medical Director be the nurse <br />practitioners’ medical supervisor. Dr. Fisher has agreed to provide this service, without <br />reducing services to the health department. The attached contract addendum is in draft <br />form and would be attached to our current medical director contract with UNC Family <br />Practice. CHCCS have agreed to pay for the entire cost of the added service. <br /> <br />B. WTMP Evaluation Report (Student Project)