Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />January 22, 2004 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 2 January 22, 2004 <br /> <br />A. Minutes approval of December 18, 2003 meeting. <br /> <br />Motion to approve the minutes of December 18, 2003 was made by Kate Wilder, <br />seconded by Tim Carey, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />B. Rabies Policies and Procedures Review <br /> <br />This is the first time the division rabies Standard Operating Procedures have been <br />rewritten and compiled in a single reference document. The draft was reviewed, <br />modified and approved by the Animal Control and Environmental Health Committee <br />and the Health Director. <br /> <br />Alan Rimer suggested the division prepare a user-friendly brochure for public <br />distribution as a final step in this process. <br /> <br />Motion to approve the rabies Standard Operating Procedures as written was made by <br />Kate Wilder, seconded by Tim Carey, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />V. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> <br />A. Healthy Carolinians Community Action Plan Approval <br /> <br />The Health Department is required to conduct a community assessment process every <br />four years and submit both the results of the assessment as well as community action <br />plans for at least two of the priorities identified in the assessment as part of its state <br />contract responsibilities. In collaboration with Orange County Healthy Carolinians, the <br />community assessment was completed and approved by this Board in December 2003. <br />Healthy Carolinian Committees have been busy developing action plans for selected <br />priorities. Two new priorities have been selected for initial work: 1) improved access <br />and availability of mental health services and 2) obesity and overweight. Draft <br />community action plans are attached for your review. In addition, existing committees <br />will continue to focus on high priority areas such as reducing child abuse and neglect. <br />All community action plans require the commitment of multiple community partners; <br />the health department is only one of the partners involved and in fact may not be the <br />lead agency for a given priority. <br /> <br />Motion to approve the community health action plans and forward them to the state <br />as required in the contract agreement with NC Division of Public Health was made by <br />Alan Rimer, seconded by Lee Werley, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />B. Board Vacancy <br /> <br />The Board currently has one vacant at -large position. Applications have been received <br />from several candidates. Board members reviewed the applications and selected two <br />for further study. Recommendation of a candidate to fill the at -large position will be <br />made at the next meeting. <br /> <br />C. PHEADS <br /> <br />1. Flu Update