BOH minutes 072805
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
BOH minutes 072805
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Last modified
3/5/2018 5:01:41 PM
Creation date
3/5/2018 5:01:18 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />July 28, 2005 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 5 July 28, 2006 <br />result of an eight-month project that brought public health educators, land use planners, and <br />senior services professionals together with senior citizens and other community members. <br /> <br />The project team conducted five main tasks over an eight-month period, including: 1) receiving <br />orientation and training from project staff; 2) reviewing existing plans for the project area; 3) <br />conducting assessments of the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in the area; 4) identifying <br />existing pedestrian and bicycle routes; and 5) developing recommendations for improving the <br />pedestrian and bicycle network in order to help seniors and others be more physically active. In <br />addition, the Project Team provided input on the site design of the Senior Center itself to help <br />connect it with the surrounding pedestrian and bicycle network. <br /> <br />This project was funded through a grant from PAN Community Grants Program, NC DHHS for <br />$19,710. Partners in the grant were Orange County Health Department, Triangle J Council of <br />Governments, and Orange County Department on Aging. <br /> <br />C. Strategic Planning <br /> <br />The Health Department has been working on elements of a strategic plan to cover the period <br />2005-2010. Based on input from the Board at the retreat in June, staff worked on revising the <br />community focus areas portion of the strategic plan. The revised drafts were provided for Board <br />review. <br /> <br />The goal is to have a complete draft for review and approval by the Board at the September <br />meeting. The goal would be to forward a complete copy to the Board of Commissioners for a <br />possible joint meeting in October or early November. This would allow the staff to utilize the <br />strategic plan for budget preparation beginning in December. <br /> <br />The Board felt that the items in the packet were very strong and had no suggestions for <br />improvements or change. It was agreed that if Board members had comments, they would <br />forward them via email to the Health Director. <br /> <br />D. Informational Items <br /> <br />The approved 05-06 departmental budget was given to the Board for review. Significant cuts <br />were made in dental operations for supplies and in operating capital. It is also unclear at this <br />time, whether any additional capital items that were requested were funded as the county keeps <br />that in a separate budget. Personal Health had several critical capital items that would support <br />primary care and increased services in the chronic disease area. The county’s IT budget was <br />severely curtailed by the Manager such that virtually no IT departmental requests will be fulfilled <br />this budget year. One issue of concern is the needed software completion of the Accela system <br />that Environmental Health has never been able to fully utilize for permitting purposes. The <br />Manager has been directed to find another $800,000 to cut from the overall county budget and <br />that has as yet not been identified. <br /> <br />A legislative update was provided of legislation that the Board was interested in. Board
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