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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />September 28, 2006 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 6 September 28, 2006 <br />would entail. Alan Rimer reported that Mr. Dodson had a lot relevant experience in wastewater <br />and water systems. <br /> <br />Motion to forward the recommendation of Ernest Dodson for the Engineer position to the Board <br />of Commissioners was made by Alan Rimer, seconded by Tim Carey, and carried without <br />dissent. <br /> <br />D. Draft Quarterly Financial Report <br /> <br />One of the accreditation requirements is that the Board regularly review the financial status of <br />the Health Department. Staff recommended that the Board receive a financial report on a <br />quarterly basis. A draft report was provided to the Board for comment and direction. The data <br />in the draft report covered the first two months of the 06-07 fiscal year. <br /> <br />The staff requested comments and direction from the Board on this format and presentation. <br />Alan Rimer suggested that a percentage of what has been spent versus the percent of what <br />was expected to be spent would improve clarity. Anissa Vines suggested that a column be <br />added regarding educational expenditures for staff to satisfy the accreditation requirement of <br />support for workforce development. <br /> <br />E. Community Awards Project <br /> <br />Changes suggested by the Board have been incorporated into the draft provided to the Board. <br />Rosemary Summers suggested that the award be called the Ron Holdway Public Health <br />Service Award. Board members concurred that the name was an excellent choice. <br /> <br />Sharon Van Horn inquired about the plans to publicize the award and a suggestion was made to <br />make full use of radio, newspapers, and committees. <br /> <br />Motion to accept the guidelines as presented was made by Alan Rimer, seconded by Matt <br />Vizithum, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />F. Report on Water Protection Process <br /> <br />Alan Rimer, on behalf of the Chair and Vice-Chair, met with the Co-Chairs of the Commission <br />for the Environment, the Department Heads, the County Manager and the Chair and Vice-Chair <br />of the Board of Commissioners to discuss the next steps for resolving the issues surrounding <br />the two water resources proposals. Alan Rimer reported to the Board on that meeting and <br />suggested the best approach is what is best for Orange County. Subsequent to that meeting, it <br />was agreed by all of the various parties involved that a small group (three members from each <br />board) would be the most expeditious in working through the proposals and forwarding a <br />recommendation to both Boards and subsequently to the Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />Sharon Van Horn commented that she had searched and was unable to find much on the <br />Orange County website on this topic. Matt Vizithum inquired whether the Commission had a <br />website. <br /> <br />The Chair recommended that the three members from the Board of Health be Jessica Lee, Matt <br />Vizithum, and Alan Rimer. <br /> <br />The Board discussed the impact of the recommended appointment of Ernie Dodson to the <br />Board of Health. The chair proposed that Mr. Rimer should continue for the “life” of the small <br />committee on behalf of the Board of Health if he is willing to do so. Mr. Rimer graciously agreed