Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />April 27, 2006 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 5 April 27, <br />2006 <br />Oak Island and detailed how the collection system works along with the collection <br />facilities used and applications. The Oak Island project was funded by the Clean Water <br />Trust Fund and Mr. Rimer suggested this system could be used throughout the county at <br />various locations. <br /> <br />The Committee will do further work in this area. <br /> <br />C. Regional Workforce Planning Project <br /> <br />The NC Legislature has provided funds for public health “incubator” projects for the past <br />several years. Generally these projects are proposed by a regional group of health <br />departments that want to work on common areas of interest. Nine counties make up the <br />membership of the Central Carolina Incubator Project. The first phase of the project is to <br />gather data from each of the participating health departments and then to develop a <br />potential action plan that the region would work on together. The selected project that <br />the group decided to work on is to develop a regional workforce development plan that <br />would allow the region to examine needs in the area of recruitment and retention of <br />public health staff. Health directors expressed interest in some of the following topics: <br />recruitment of Spanish speaking staff; creation of career ladders for environmental health <br />and nursing personnel; creation of training modules that address required training; <br />common training for certain personnel to enable work back-up; a shared pool of “scarce” <br />staff for back-up purposes; and various other ideas that may emerge from the data <br />collected. <br /> <br />The Alamance County Health Department is the fiscal agent for the project. A consulting <br />firm has been hired with the grant funds to manage the data collection phase of the <br />project. The UNC Institute for Public Health is also gathering some of the data for the <br />project. Data includes secondary data as well as primary data through staff surveys and <br />focus groups. Data collection should be completed by mid-May. Staff will provide <br />further information to the Board as the project progresses. <br /> <br />Jessica Lee asked if the Board would be able to see an executive summary of the study. <br />Dr. Summers replied that two levels of analysis will be done, county specific for feedback <br />to the county and a broader regional view. As reports are made available, they will be <br />shared with the Board. <br /> <br />D. Informational Items <br /> <br />a. TB Research Grant <br /> <br />The Orange County Health Department has been invited to participate in the second <br />phase of a CDC study to determine the factors associated with acceptance of and <br />adherence to treatment for Latent TB infection (LTBI). The study will review 13 of 38 TB <br />medical records of clients served through the Health Department’s Chapel Hill clinic in <br />2002. Research Triangle Institute will be abstracting demographic and treatment data <br />from the random selection of records and conducting a survey of the clinic. There will be