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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />March 23, 2006 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 4 March 23, 2006 <br />explained that all school nurses are on a 10-month salary schedule. When the position <br />transitions back to the Health Department it will be a 12-month salary schedule, hence the <br />increase of 2 months salary. Moses Carey, Jr. suggested it be phrased differently. <br /> <br />Quality Assurance/Risk Management has a large increase due to the addition of a respiratory fit <br />protection program that is part of the Department’s overall preparedness effort. Several staff <br />members are trained to do a respiratory fit for the N-95 mask. The increase will enable the <br />department to purchase more bloodborne pathogen test kits and N-95 masks so the <br />department can have a small stockpile internally in the event of a major outbreak. The <br />Department will also be fit-testing Animal Services and Public Works employees through this <br />program to assure the preservation of these infrastructures. <br /> <br />State funding is projected to be stable although there may be two reductions as mentioned. In <br />05-06 the department also brought in $90,000 in one-time funding opportunities, which helped <br />supplement needed funding. It is anticipated the Department will apply and obtain additional <br />grant funding opportunities in the upcoming fiscal year. <br /> <br />Moses Carey, Jr. asked if the new program grant for Child Health Care Consultant funded <br />through Smart Start would cover a full time salary. Dr. Summers explained that the grant was <br />intended to cover the full salary, however the department transferred a nurse into the position <br />that was making more than the grant amount, so the grant does not cover the full salary. <br /> <br />Moses Carey, Jr. also requested an explanation of the tiers as presented with the budget. Dr. <br />Summers stated that the budget staff requested the Department identify increases in tiers so <br />they could separate out whether a budget increase was requested because it was related to a <br />mandated service or requirement (tier A or 1), BOCC goals and initiatives (tier B or 2), service <br />level increase (tier C or 3), and other increases (tier D or 5). <br /> <br />Gwen Harvey requested background information on the food and lodging program regarding <br />the constraints on charging fees and that this position is not supported by revenue. Ron <br />Holdway responded that inspections of food and lodging and other institutional facilities is a <br />state mandate and explicit in its statutes that no fees are to be charged for that service nor can <br />we adopt local rules to charge a fee for that service. Restaurants do pay a fee to the state and <br />the county receives a small portion of that fee. Moses Carey, Jr. asked the amount each <br />restaurant; motel, hotel, or lodging facility pays to the state. Ron Holdway stated that to the <br />best of his knowledge each pays an annual fee of $50 to the state. The state uses half to <br />administer the program, and the other is redistributed to the counties, of which Orange County <br />receives about $9000 per year. Gwen Harvey questioned the percentage of cost this is to run <br />the program for Orange County. <br /> <br />Motion to approve the Environmental Health fee for contractor registration and septic tank <br />inspections as presented was made by Moses Carey, Jr., seconded by Chris Harlan, and carried <br />without dissent. <br /> <br />Motion to approve Environmental Health fees (excluding contractor registration and septic tank