BOH minutes 111307 Joint Meeting with BOCC
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Board of Health
BOH minutes 111307 Joint Meeting with BOCC
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Last modified
3/5/2018 4:52:01 PM
Creation date
3/5/2018 4:51:29 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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website for the public 30 North Carolina counties have already purchased this vendor <br />supported software It would also provide more information on a historical basis for better <br />education of the food service managers <br />EHS field staffs still need vendorsupported software for the onsite wastewater well and <br />WIMP programs to conduct permitting operations in the field and then download and <br />process the information back in the office <br />Data Analysis and Management <br />Need to create GIS layers utilize other data analysis tools in order to better target <br />service delivery analyze where the department needs to concentrate efforts <br />Equipment <br />This is a particular need in the dental clinical program where our equipment is aged <br />beyond use There is no panorex xray machine in either clinic a standard of care There <br />are too few of the same kind of hand pieces making sterilization twice a day a necessity <br />Equipment is replaced only when broken and then cannot be repaired because there are <br />no parts <br />Chair Carey asked about the Environmental Health field base software units and asked <br />if the State would be expanding to all counties so that every county would be using the same <br />equipment Rosemary Summers said that the State would not build a statewide software <br />system but it is avendorsupported product The vendor works to meet all State requirements <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Board discussed this during the 200607 budget <br />process regarding field laptops and having the same equipment Rosemary Summers said that <br />they did get some handheld units and these are used for wells and some other Environmental <br />Health programs but the software does not work in the way that would be useful without a lot of <br />work <br />Chair Carey asked about the highspeed hand pieces that were needed to prevent <br />having to sterilize them at each of the operatories and it was answered anywhere from 1421 <br />per day At this time there is only half that amount in working order The cost is 1000 each <br />Comparison of Expenditures Dr Jessica Lee <br />Comparison of Local Health Department Expenditures for Selected Counties <br />North Carolina Division of Public Health <br />November 13 2007 <br />Each year the North Carolina Division of Public Health prepares an expenditure report that <br />compiles expenditures for all counties receiving funds through the annual agreements with the <br />NC DHHS The most recent published report was for FY 20052006 The attached tables show <br />expenditures comparisons for selected counties in North Carolina Counties were chosen for <br />comparison purposes based on size of population presence of a university related to size of <br />population and those that generally have the same program mix <br />Health Departments across the state have different mixes of programs depending on the needs <br />of their populations and the services offered in their communities There was an attempt to <br />identify programs that would have a major budgetary impact These are listed in the Service <br />Comparison by County chart for the counties selected Robeson County is the leader in this <br />group since it provides all services except a well program
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