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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />November 13, 2007 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 5 November 13, 2007 <br />where Burlington’s biosolids are spread. One dairy farmer was willing to consider <br />participation, but wanted to think about it for a while. The second landowner, a beef <br />cattle farmer was immediately agreeable and gave permission for the study to begin, <br />however after he thought about it, called back and expressed concerns that his <br />neighbor may end up suing him should the study result in any negative indicators about <br />biosolids activity. He did not believe anything detrimental would be found, but he is not <br />willing to take the risk given the tenacity of the neighbors in the area. Matt Vizithum <br />asked why a lawsuit would be a feared reprisal for allowing the study. Tom Konsler and <br />Rosemary Summers replied that the neighbors have been quite vocal about the issue. <br /> <br />Staff has discussed potential alternative sites with Synagro. There is only one other farm <br />in Orange County on which Burlington has a permitted site. In the event that <br />landowner is not willing, staff is making initial contacts with the City of Mebane to <br />explore their willingness to participate. <br /> <br />Legislative Update: The State has passed a law that all local government buildings <br />would be tobacco free. County ordinances only apply in unincorporated areas. <br />Municipalities may also designate all municipal public buildings to be smoke free. <br />Rosemary Summers explained that the Board of Health could go back and readdress <br />this issue to be all-inclusive. The county attorney is currently studying it and a draft will <br />be prepared. She also stated that the county’s group health insurer, Cigna, would now <br />cover smoking cessation assistance. <br /> <br />Accreditation Update: The Accreditation Site Visit Team is scheduled to be on site April <br />29 through May 1, 2008. The Health Department Self-Assessment Instrument is due on <br />March 7, 2008. The Accreditation Team has been meeting bi-weekly to ensure that the <br />department has the policies and practices in place to meet the activities, standards, <br />and benchmarks. <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers pointed out additional informational items, news articles, and <br />correspondence to the Board’s attention. <br /> <br />G. Tracking Form Review <br /> <br />The Tracking Form had no changes. This form is to allow the Board a snapshot of <br />upcoming items. <br /> <br />VI. Board Comments/Announcements <br /> <br />A. None <br /> <br />VII. Adjournment <br /> <br />Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jim Stefanadis, seconded by Chris Harlan, and <br />carried without dissent. <br /> <br />The next Board of Health meeting will be a dinner meeting held on December 20, 2007 at the <br />Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina beginning at 6:30 PM. <br />