Agenda - 12-12-2006-5f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-12-2006
Agenda - 12-12-2006-5f
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Orange County Health Department 8 <br />With funding received in December 2006, we anticipate, following recruitment of personnel, to start <br />primary care services in January 2007. We will market the service through brochures, word of mouth, <br />and possibly print media. We will expend the funds from January through May 2007. The program will <br />undoubtedly start modestly but continue to grow, such that by June 30, 2007, we will have served 80 <br />clients with 128 primary care services. In FY 07-08, we anticipate the program will grow such that we. <br />will serve 176 clients with 282 primary care encounters. <br />IV Sustainability (1 page) 10 points <br />With the success of the expansion of primary care services to Southern Human Services Center, we <br />would hope to have the opportunity to apply for continuation grant funds, if available. We also will be <br />seeking support from our Board of Health and Board of County Commissioners for the cost of a full <br />year of primary care services in Chapel Hill. This will include personnel costs {.5 FNP, .5 Lab Tech, 1.0 <br />PHN, .5 NA, and .5 Management Support position), operating costs (medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, <br />lab services, office supplies, interpreters, and training) and equipment costs. A budget with offsetting <br />earned revenue will be developed and presented. <br />V Collaboration (1 page) 25 points <br />UNC Health Care has worked in conjunction with OCHD in the development of primary care services in <br />Orange County. LJNC HealthLink has entered into acost-effective contract with OCHD to provide after <br />hours coverage for providers. LJNC Family Practice, with whom OCHD has a contract for Medical <br />Director services, has agreed to admit OCHD primary care clients to UNC Hospitals for care. In <br />addition, OCHD is working with UNC Healthcare, Piedmont Health Services, private medical providers <br />and other agencies to implement the Central Carolina Health Network (a Community Care Network) to <br />provide cost-effective and efficient case management of the Medicaid population. Additionally, efforts <br />are underway through this Network to develop the community infrastructure to manage and coordinate <br />services to the uninsured population. OCHD's primary care services are a vital safety net link in a <br />community effort to increase access to health services and to address the growing indigent population. <br />VI After-Hours Patient Care (1-2 paragraphs) OS points <br />As noted above, OCHD has entered into. a contract with UNC Health Link to provide after-hours <br />consultation and triage of patient concerns. Primary Care clients are advised to call HealthLink with <br />after-hours concerns and to follow the guidance provided, which may range from implementing home <br />remedies to seeing their medical provider the following day, or going immediately to the Hospital ED in <br />emergent situations. OCHD practitioners are on second call and HealthLink nurses should <br />patient consultation be necessary. Admissions to IJNC Hospitals are arranged through L1NC Family <br />Practice. <br />VII Project Evaluation (1 page) 10 points <br />We will use 4 measures to evaluate the expansion of primary care services to the Chapel Hill clinic: <br />1) Recruit and employ temporary personnel to begin primary care services at SHSC: Baseline = no <br />temporary personnel; Target by 6-30-07 = .4 FNP, .5 PHN, .5 Lab Tech, .4 NA, .5 Mngmt Supt. <br />2) Increase Primary Care clients at SHSC from 0 to 80: Baseline = 0; Target by 6-30-07 = 80 <br />8 <br />
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