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Orange County Health Department <br />12 <br />of Health member and a County Commissioner, voted in favor of it. The Orange Community Health <br />Assessment completed in December 2003 further substantiated this need. The number one issue <br />identified by the community was `Barriers to receiving services: cost of healthcare, lack of insurance, <br />and geographic availability of services'. Since January 2005, primary care services have been offered to <br />clients enrolled in our traditional prevention programs -Family Planning, Prenatal, and Well Child <br />Services - in our Hillsborough clinic. Primary care services include diagnosis and treatment of acute <br />health conditions as well as monitoring and care of chronic diseases. <br />Since the advent of primary care services at the Hillsborough clinic, clients accessing preventive <br />services at our Southern Human Services Clinic in Chapel Hill have also requested the provision of <br />primary care. Currently they must either travel to the Hillsborough clinic for such services or be referred <br />elsewhere. Carrboro Community Health Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center serving low- <br />income clients, has had a 3-month waiting period during the suzlluzer of 2006 for new patients. Many <br />new prenatal patients who could not be seen there have been referred to OCHD for services. In addition, <br />UNC Hospitals recently discontinued their Urgent Care Clinic associated with the Emergency <br />Department. This further limited accessibility for clients without a medical home. In the recently <br />completed 2006-11 OCHD Strategic Plan adopted by the Board of Health, expansion of primary care <br />services to Southern Human Services Center was identified as an implementation strategy in FY 06-07. <br />III Description of Capital Need (1 page) 20 points <br />With the proposed expansion of primary care services to the Southern Human Services Center, we will <br />have additional equipment and space needs. An EKG machine will be needed to assess the cardiac status <br />of primary care patients, especially those presenting with symptoms. A handicapped accessible Lift <br />Exam Table will be necessary to be ADA-compliant. A replacement copier machine is needed to make <br />clear copies of primary care schedules, records, forms, brochures, and educational materials. The <br />addition of 5 part-time personnel will require adequate office space to accommodate staff accessing e- <br />mails, working on the computer, and completing record keeping. We anticipate renovating a current <br />small office used for storage of equipment/supplies/educational materials into an office space with two <br />office modules and chairs. Two additional office modules and chairs will be centrally located near the <br />medical records/reception area. Modules will be equipped with a desktop computer and phone. <br />A small alcove will be enclosed to serve as a new storage area for equipment, supplies and patient <br />literature. <br />IV Relationship between Community Need & Capital Request (2 pages) 25 points <br />This capital request is in conjunction with a program grant application to expand primary care services <br />to Southern Human Services Center. To increase access to care for uninsured and medically indigent <br />persons, we will be adding additional temporary personnel. The personnel will need office space to <br />coordinate referral and follow-up services for clients by phone, to provide appointment reminder calls, <br />to research medicaUpsychosocial treatment options available in the community, and to complete their <br />administrative responsibilities. EKG equipment will assure primary care clients are receiving timely and <br />specified cardiac assessments to protect health. A Lift Exam Table will assure we are providing services <br />to all county residents, including those with physical disabilities. We anticipate that once funding is <br />awarded, we will proceed with renovations and purchase of equipment to assure start up of primary care <br />12 <br />