Agenda - 12-12-2006-5f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-12-2006
Agenda - 12-12-2006-5f
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Orange County Health Department 11 <br />FY 2007 Community Health Center Grants <br />CATEGORY II -CAPITAL GRANT APPLICATION <br />I Overview of Organization (1-2 paragraphs) <br />The Orange County Health Department (OCHD) mission is to enhance the quality of life, promote the <br />health, and preserve the environment for the nearly 130,000 residents living in Orange County. It does <br />so through an array of public health services including clinical, dental, health education, home visiting, <br />communicable disease, environmental health, and administrative services. Clinically, the health <br />department has historically focused on preventive health services for women and children such as family <br />planning, prenatal and well child services. Services are provided through two fully functioning Health <br />Department clinics: one in Hillsborough with 2 full-time FNPs and one in Chapel Hill with 1 full-time <br />FNP. The 50 % Medical Director provides consultation and services in each site. In January 2005, <br />OCHD began to provide primary care services for clients enrolled in preventive services in the <br />Hillsborough clinic. <br />In the start-up first 6 months of operation (January -June 2005), 196 primary care services were <br />provided to 128 unduplicated clients. 50% of clients were Medicaid. Of the 47% on sliding fee scale, <br />91 % were in the 0% - 20% self-pay category. In FY OS-06 (July 2005 -June 2006), the Hillsborough <br />clinic provided 544 primary care services to 279 unduplicated clients. 57% of services were to Medicaid <br />clients and 1% were to privately insured clients. 42% were to uninsured, self-pay clients, of which 81% <br />were to clients at the 0-20% pay level. Our efforts have been truly focused on reaching the uninsured <br />and medically indigent with quality primary care services. <br />II Community Need (1 page) 15 points <br />With LTNC Hospitals and UNC Physicians and Associates, the number. of physicians in Orange County <br />is quite high, yet some residents still face difficulties in health care access due to barriers of cost, <br />language and transportation. A significant portion of Orange County residents insurance <br />which contributes to the ongoing health disparities seen within the population. Minority groups have <br />lower rates of insurance and higher rates of poverty as well as disease burden than do white residents. In <br />the 2005 BRFSS, 14.8% of Orange County residents stated they. had no health insurance, but 42.6% of <br />minority respondents stated that they had no health insurance versus only 7.1 % of white respondents. <br />Also 28.5% of minority respondents stated there had been a time in the past year that they could not <br />access health care due to cost versus only 7.6% of white respondents. At the time of the 2000 census, <br />14.1 % of Orange County residents were living in poverty; of that number 12.4% were white and 19.5% <br />were black. Among Hispanic households at that time, 30% had a household income of less than <br />$20,000. A growing population of Hispanics has made their home in Carrboro and the surrounding area <br />in the past decade. In addition, a substantial number of Burmese refugees have resettled in the Chapel <br />Hill area and have sought services through the Health Department. <br />An extensive primary care needs assessment was undertaken in the Summer/Fall of 2003 indicating a <br />need for increased access to affordable primary care, most notably in Northern Orange County. Orange <br />County Health Department clients expressed interest in receiving such services through the Health <br />Department. Community physicians supported the concept and the Executive Director (at the time) of <br />Piedmont Health Services, a community health center based in Chapel Hili, who serves as both a Board <br />11 <br />
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