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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />May 27, 2009 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 5 May 27,, 2009 <br />way to be compliant. He stated that he has not received any refusals or negative <br />feedback from pool owners. <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers noted that when a Board of Health passes a local rule that is more <br />stringent than State regulations it takes the County out of the umbrella of protection <br />from state Torte claims and Orange County would be liable for any outcomes. Anissa <br />Vines stated she felt it was important to have a Resolution or Rule in place. Steve <br />Yuhasz asked what was involved in creating a Rule. Tom Konsler replied that advertising <br />costs and required time (10 day advertisement) prior to adoption would have to be <br />followed. He also stated that the state is preparing a draft of regulatory procedures of <br />the VGB that will be ready in the fall. In the meantime, all of the Orange County pools <br />should be in compliance within the next three weeks. <br /> <br />Board members felt a Resolution in support Environmental Health policy was preferable <br />because it would be able to be passed and put into immediate use, whereas a Rule <br />would need time for public advertising before it could be ruled on by the Board. <br /> <br />Motion to adopt a Resolution Requiring Compliance with the VGB Act and not to pursue <br />passage of a Rule was made by Michael Wood, seconded by Matt Vizithum and carried <br />without dissent. <br /> <br />C. Healthy Food and Physical Activity Policy <br /> <br />Donna King reported that our contract agreement with the State of North Carolina on <br />health promotion calls for the adoption of healthy food and physical activity policies. <br />The department has been targeting county wide policies that would help employees <br />stay fit, however have been unable to move the county staff who are responsible for <br />implementing changes to make them. The department has worked with purchasing <br />staff to improve vending machine options for the public and staff and have been <br />unable to get the vendors to comply with even those options that public schools <br />currently have. Various options or considerations for improving catered food offerings <br />were also proposed. In addition, Human Resources has not been supportive of <br />proposing altered policies to enable employees to engage in physical activity outside <br />of the normal one hour lunch policy. <br /> <br />She stated that walking meetings have been held at the Department’s Chapel Hill <br />location as a healthy alternative. Anissa Vines commented that she liked the idea of <br />walking meetings and encouraged staff to continue to try to motivate purchasing and <br />human resources to encourage and enable healthy food choices and exercise policies <br />within the county. <br /> <br />Steve Yuhasz stated that Commissioner Jacobs strongly encourages selection of local <br />food sources as a priority when exploring healthy food choices. <br /> <br />In order to fulfill state agreement requirements and to provide a model for the <br />remainder of the county, the department is proposing a Health Department <br />Administrative Policy that begins to put in place options for improving food, beverage, <br />and physical activity choices. <br />