Orange County NC Website
Department of Social Services <br />6. The Department of Social Services has received the following donations from citizens that <br />are set-aside in a special Adoption Enhancement Fund, (outside the General Fund): <br />a. Foster Care Donations -donated funds. totaling $5,115 from citizens of Orange <br />County to help with Christmas items for foster care clients. This budget amendment <br />provides for the receipt of these donated funds. (See Attachment 1, column #6) <br />b. General ,Assistance Donations -donated funds totaling $82 from recycling used <br />printer toner cartridges to help with special needs of clients, including seniors. This <br />budget amendment provides for the receipt of these donated funds. (See Attachment <br />1, column #6) <br />7. The Department of Social Services has received notification from the State of additional <br />funds for the current fiscal year for the following programs: <br />a. Child Day Care Subsidies -additional funds of $517,604 will enable the Department <br />to continue providing childcare subsidies to low-income families. Currently, there are <br />598 children and their families who benefit from this program. An additional 96 are on <br />the waiting list. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds, and <br />brings the budget for this program to $4,127,928 ,for fiscal year 2006-07. (See <br />Attachment 1, column #7) <br />b. Day Gare CCDF Administration -additional funds of $15,547 will offset operational <br />costs of this unit of DSS. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these <br />funds and brings the budget for this program to $164,587 for fiscal year 2006-07. <br />(See Attachment 1, column #7) <br />c. Work First -additional State TANF Work First funds totaling $15,119 will offset costs <br />to improve services to Work First clients. This budget amendment provides for the <br />receipt of these funds, and brings the budget for this program to $1,563,152 for fiscal <br />year 2006-07. (See Attachment 1, column # 7) <br />Emergency Management <br />8. The Emergency Management Department has received notification from the North Carolina <br />Department of Crime Control and Public Safety of additional performance grant funds <br />totaling $9,887 for this fiscal year. At its December 4, 2006 meeting, the Board of County <br />Commissioners approved the receipt of these funds, which will be budgeted in the Health <br />Department to help offset the costs of coordinating the Community Emergency Response <br />Team (CERT) program. With these additional funds, the County has received $29,887 in <br />Emergency Management Performance Grant funds for fiscal year 2006-07. This budget <br />amendment provides for the receipt of these funds. (See Attachment 1, column #8) <br />Health ®epartment <br />9. The Health Department has received notification of reimbursable funds totaling $13,750 from <br />AccessCare/Central Carolina Health Network (CCHN) to perform services for their <br />