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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />October 22, 2009 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 5 October 22, 2009 <br />standard of operation and there might be comparisons to the overall county <br />experience. Advanced statistical methodologies have not been applied in the <br />past. <br /> <br />Motion to recommend the Department proceed with a request for funding from the <br />Board of Commissioners to conduct a study of septic and well water needs in the <br />Rogers Road Community was made by Tony Whitaker, seconded by Christopher <br />Cooke, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />C. Biosolids Update <br /> <br />Environmental Health staff in partnership with NCSU and Cooperative Extension <br />began planning for a biosolids forum to be held in October. The focus was to <br />educate participants about the current state of practice, available and <br />proposed research, and risk management of the land application of biosolids. <br />Rosemary Summers reported that the BOCC denied the request to redirect a <br />portion of the funds originally appropriated for a biosolids research project after <br />opposition was voiced by the Commission for the Environment and members of <br />activist groups. <br /> <br />At their October 13th work session the BOCC discussed biosolids issues. At the <br />conclusion, there was a general consensus to move ahead with a forum. <br />Cooperative Extension, the Health Department, and ERCD were tasked with <br />putting together a proposal and moving ahead with a forum. There was no <br />consensus or direction on any other points discussed. It was noted that the <br />Legislature passed a legislative study bill that directed the Department of <br />Agriculture and Consumer Sciences to report on various aspects of land <br />application of sludge and septage including whether there were health risks <br />associated with current regulations and practices. Septage and biosolids are <br />two separate things and fall under two different governing bodies. The <br />Department of Agriculture has not yet formed a group to develop the report <br />which is due to the legislature in May 2010. <br /> <br />Tom Konsler reported that staff has learned that NCSU has decided to proceed <br />with a 2-day forum on biosolids in early spring 2010. NCSU has decided that <br />biosolids is a big enough issue that there should be looked at more closely. It is <br />anticipated that the content of the forum may be similar to the one originally <br />planned for October. The University will be asking for a representative from the <br />Health Department to participate in the planning committee and may be <br />interested in a collaborative effort. <br /> <br />Anissa Vines asked if the Department of Agriculture has been in touch with NCSU <br />or the task force to talk about what has been discussed here in Orange County <br />with regard to the forum. Tom Konsler replied that he was not aware of any <br />discussion as of this date. <br /> <br />Tony Whitaker stated that the Department would be totally remiss if we missed <br />the opportunity to participate fully in the NCSU technical forum. Anissa Vines <br />stated her agreement. Steve Yuhasz recommended sending a letter to BOCC