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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />June 23, 2010 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Anne Miles Cassell 6 June 23, 2010 <br />health equity. The first draft that came back from the Human Rights and Relations had <br />more state-wide policy implications than they did local, such as making sure there was <br />health insurance for everyone. Many of the things that came back to the Board the <br />second time were outside of the scope of what a single county government can do. <br />Since then the only thing noted was a change in focus to medical care instead of <br />health care. It does have some enormous implications for the county, both financial <br />implications as well as policies. <br /> <br />Tony Whitaker stated that in reading through the social justice goals use of the word <br />“ensure” waved a red flag at him. It implies the highest level of execution and funding <br />towards that particular goal and that may not be the reality we live in. Steve Yuhasz <br />added that he had also noted the wording usage when he read the document. <br /> <br />Jim Stefanadis said the document as it stands has serious implications for the county <br />and needs to be looked at more closely. He suggested a letter to the BOCC expressing <br />these thoughts would be in order. Both BOH subcommittees agreed to look at this more <br />closely. <br /> <br />Motion to refer the draft Social Justice Goals to committees for discussion was made by Jim <br />Stefanadis, seconded by Christopher Cooke and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> E. Budget Update <br /> <br />The final work session on the FY 2011 was June 8, 2010 and the Board of Commissioners <br />adopted the budget at their regular meeting on June 15th. Rosemary Summers <br />reported on the outcome of the county budget. It included additional resources back <br />to the department. Permission was received to recruit to two vacated retirement <br />positions and also $100,000 in funds for dental health equipment. One unexpected <br />item was the transfer of one position to the health department of the breastfeeding <br />outreach worker from Cooperative Extension. This new staff member is fully bilingual <br />and will be a good fit with our maternal health care program. <br /> <br />The House and Senate Budget Conference Committees have met to come to <br />consensus on differing provisions within the state budget bill. At this point no final vote <br />has been taken. <br /> <br />Childhood vaccination funding is in question. Also, the accreditation program was <br />being zeroed out. Representative Insko was able to replace $350,000 in the budget for <br />accreditation this year. These are big concerns right now. Smart Start funding is also <br />questionable at this point and the department stands to lose two of its programs if <br />funding is eliminated. <br /> <br />Christopher Cooke stated that the idea of going to a national accreditation standard is <br />unreasonable because North Carolina’s accreditation standards is ten years in <br />development now and is really very advanced. He stated that the national standard is <br />a watered down copy of what North Carolina already has in practice. This would <br />affect the state’s ability to achieve its 2020 health goals and that he hopes the <br /> <br />