BOH minutes 012611
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Board of Health
BOH minutes 012611
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3/5/2018 4:20:27 PM
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3/5/2018 4:20:13 PM
Meeting Type
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />January 26, 2011 <br />Board of Health Minutes Transcription completed by Lisa Smith January 26, 2011 4 <br /> <br />Rosemary Summers presented a potential concept and process for the development of a <br />new strategic plan. In the past, the Board has been involved in a variety of ways. Special <br />retreats, regular agenda items, and adhoc committees have been used in the past to involve <br />the Board in the development of the plan. Nearly all of the Board members that were part of <br />the current plan are no longer serving on the Board, so this is an opportunity to start with a <br />fresh look. The management team at the department has begun work on the internal focus <br />areas and we will be seeking staff input at a February all-staff meeting. In general, the <br />senior staff agrees that we would like a more streamlined document that can be in the <br />forefront of what we do each day so that all staff feels an ownership to achieving the goals in <br />the document. Dr. Summers offered two examples of “strategic maps” that could be <br />developed as “quick summaries” of an adopted plan. Tony Whitaker asked for clarification <br />on when the current strategic plan expires, Rosemary Summers responded that is does not <br />expire until the end of the fiscal year June 30, 2011. She also added that by adopting the <br />proposed extension of the current plan would give us one year to develop a longer range <br />plan to be approved and into place. It would also allow us to have one more budget cycle to <br />look at what we need for the new plan. Tony Whitaker asked the board if they had any <br />thoughts on where they wanted to go from here. Paul Chelminski asked Commissioner <br />Yuhasz if Orange County does any budget projections in terms of when we will finally <br />emerge from our budget constraints. Commissioner Yuhasz responded that the <br />Commissioners do budget projections but right now even looking 6 months out is hard to <br />determine. So much of Orange Counties budget depends on what the State does and the <br />State has not made any decisions budget cuts yet. Commissioner Yuhasz stated we are just <br />beginning to see some signs of recovery but with government we usually are behind by 2 <br />years of the going down and coming back up, he said it will be a couple of years before we <br />will be able to consider any new construction or any large new programs. <br /> <br /> <br />Motion to adopt the Strategic Plan for 2011-12 was made by Michael Wood, seconded by <br />Paul Chelminski, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />D. Smart Start Grant Applications The Health Department has three projects currently funded <br />entirely by the Orange County Partnership for Young Children (the local Smart Start <br />agency). Each of these projects has been on a three year “approved subject to state funding <br />cycle”. 2011 is a new “bid year” for projects. The Partnership has decided that they are <br />discontinuing the three year cycle and will accept applications for one year at a time. The <br />applications are due mid-February and are still in development. The Department intends to <br />apply for all three projects as continuation projects with only minor projected increases in <br />expenditures. <br /> <br />The three projects are: <br />Families in Focus Home Visiting Project that provides intensive social work services to <br />families at risk for child abuse and neglect. For the next round, the recommendation is to <br />broaden the pool of parents to include any parents with a child 0-3 that meets the risk <br />criteria instead of limiting to first time parents. The grant pays the entire salary, benefits, and <br />travel expenses for a Social Worker II and most of the supply costs for the program. We <br />have been able to bill Medicaid for services if the families qualify, however this may be <br />changing next year. <br /> <br />Child Care Health Consultant/NAPSACC Project that provides consultation and education <br />services to child care centers on health, medical, safety, and nutrition. This grant pays the
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