Orange County NC Website
MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />August 27, 2014 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2014 Agenda & Abstracts/August Page 5 <br />C. Epinephrine Auto Injectors in Schools <br /> <br />Matthew Kelm reported on the North Carolina General Assembly passing a legislation <br />requiring all schools in the state to have two epinephrine auto injectors (aka “EpiPens”) <br />on site at all times. Further the law states that schools are to receive the prescription for <br />these auto injectors from their local health department. To facilitate access to this <br />medication the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy has proposed a rule change that <br />would allow public health nurses to dispense epinephrine auto injectors. This would <br />allow schools to receive both the prescription and the medication from one source. <br /> <br />The Board, at the request of the NC Board of Pharmacy considered a resolution in <br />support of adding EpiPens to the formulary of drugs public health nurses can dispense. <br />This resolution will be submitted as public comment to the Board of Pharmacy and will <br />also be shared with other Boards of Health with a request that they take similar action. <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions that were addressed by Matthew Kelm. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Paul Chelminski to pass a resolution in support of adding <br />epinephrine auto injectors to the public health nurse dispensing formulary, <br />seconded by Nick Galvez and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> <br />VII. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> <br />A. Pre-Exposure HIV Prophylaxis Recommendation <br /> <br />Andrea Mulholland, Family Nurse Practitioner II, provided an overview of HIV infections <br />across the US and Orange County. County trends in new infections coincide with <br />national trends. Andrea gave an overview of Truvada (approved by the FDA in July, <br />2012) showing it to be safe and effective in such trials as the iPrEx and US MSM Safety <br />Trial. Andrea requested to the Board that the Health Department begin offering Daily <br />oral PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for people at high risk of HIV. <br /> <br />Staff recommends that the BOH approve this recommendation to expand services to <br />include prescribing TDF and FTC as HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis. OCHD Medical <br />Director, Dr. Julie Monaco, can call in prescriptions to UNC Hospital Pharmacy, and <br />eligible patients can apply for pharmacy assistance programs to aid in the cost of PrEP. <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions that were addressed by Andrea <br />Mulholland. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Liska Lackey to expand services to include prescribing TDF <br />and FTC as HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, seconded by Matthew Kelm and <br />carried without dissent. <br /> <br />