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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />August 26, 2015 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2015 Agenda & Abstracts/ August Page 5 <br />the well water test is medically-referred. The majority of clients whose medical <br />professional refers them to have their well water tested qualify for Medicaid or have a <br />low enough income to pay $0 on the medical clinic sliding fee scales. <br />• Personal Health requests the addition of new fees for multiple procedures codes. <br />These procedures may have been in use at other times under different procedure <br />codes or are more descriptive than current procedure codes that are in use. The <br />division also requests to charge fees for new vaccine types and brands on the <br />market. Finally, Personal Health requests to increase the fees for multiple vaccines <br />that have increased in cost since the last fee change; in many cases this was in 2009 <br />and 2012. <br /> <br />In response to BOH members’ comments, Dr. Bridger informed them that there was no cost- <br />impact to the Health Department and that the Health Department is also looking into the <br />logistics associated with discounting charges prior to applying the sliding fee scale. She also <br />mentioned that there is no statute on how many times/when the fees can change; although, the <br />General Statute does offer guidance. She also indicated that the fees the Orange County <br />Health Department charges are based on what Medicaid will pay which is consistent with most <br />of the other county health departments. <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions that were addressed by Colleen Bridger. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Jessica Frega to approve the proposed fee changes for 2015-2016 <br />as presented and forward to the Board of County Commissioners for action, Sam Lasris <br />seconded, and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> <br />C. BOH Recommendations – Engineer & General Public Positions <br /> <br />BOH members, Nick Galvez and Dan Dewitya, reviewed several applications for the <br />General Public and Engineer positions. They recommended Barbara Chavious for the <br />General Public position and Timothy Smith for the Engineer position. Barbara <br />Chavious, who is very involved in the community, had been a previous BOH member <br />years ago and has a passion for substance abuse and mental health issues. Timothy <br />Smith has been an engineer for 36 years, has environmental health experience and was <br />deemed good critical thinker and long-time Orange County resident. <br /> <br />Motion to recommend Barbara Chavious and Timothy Smith to the BOCC that Sam Lasris <br />be appointed to the BOH, was motioned by Nick Galvez, seconded by Tony Whitaker, and <br />carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> <br />D. Health Director’s Report <br /> <br />There were no questions from the Board regarding the Health Director’s Report included <br />in the packet. Dr. Bridger emphasized that the Health Department has had a busy couple <br />of days in regard to Communicable Diseases in Orange County. She gave a brief <br />description of some of the cases that the Health Department had to monitor including <br />pertussis, salmonella, malaria, and possible rabies. She stressed that vaccinations, both <br />animal and human, are essential. Based on the conversation and comments made by the <br />BOH members, a possible future agenda action item in reference to vaccination statistics <br />for school children was suggested.