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MINUTES-Final <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />September 28, 2016 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2016 Agenda & Abstracts/ September Page 5 <br />development, each action plan involves 3-4 interventions and will be led by a subcommittee <br />which will partner with other community agencies/organizations to accomplish each intervention <br />over the four year time span. <br /> <br />The three areas of priority and their interventions are as follows: <br /> <br />1. Social Determinants of Health with priority around Access and Poverty <br /> Increase awareness and access to local county resources to those who live and <br />work in Orange County, as it pertains to medical, dental and mental health care. <br /> Identify safety net providers to serve as medical homes for the under/uninsured. <br /> Encourage and support partner agencies to pilot a transportation access <br />improvement activity within their agency. <br /> <br />2. Mental Health and Substance Abuse <br /> Decrease tobacco use among youth as it relates to e-cigarettes. <br /> Reduce prescription drug overdose, increase and encourage use of the <br />Controlled Substances Reporting System (CSRS) and increase and encourage <br />use of prescription drug lock boxes. <br /> Suicide Prevention Social Marketing/Media Campaign. <br /> <br />3. Physical Activity and Nutrition <br /> Increase the number of physical activity opportunities available to rural <br />Elementary and Middle School families by promoting and recruiting for 10 <br />existing Girls on the Run programs. <br /> Increase the number of healthy food options provided to rural and low-income <br />students and families, enrolled with Orange County Schools, by providing bags of <br />fresh fruits and vegetables to 200 eligible students. <br /> Increase knowledge and influence behavior change related to eating smart and <br />moving more by encouraging 10 agency partners to promote a county-wide, <br />consistent messaging campaign that will distribute messages through a variety of <br />established channels and media, over 6-months. <br /> Increase the number of healthy eating opportunities available to Orange County <br />students and adults by supporting and advocating for 3 Share our Strength’s <br />Cooking Matters educational classes per year, in addition to other nutrition <br />education curriculums. <br /> <br />The BOH members had questions that were addressed by Ms. Mercer and Dr. Bridger. <br /> <br />Motion to accept the 2016 Healthy Carolinians Community Action Plans was made by <br />Paul Chelminski, seconded by Barbara Chavious and carried without dissent. <br /> <br /> <br />VII. Reports and Discussion with Possible Action <br /> <br />A. Advisory Board Update <br /> <br />Coby Austin, Director of Programs and Policy, gave a brief summary of the Orange County <br />advisory boards’ activities as they pertained to the BOH. <br /> <br />• Orange County Schools Board of Education – <br />