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MINUTES-Final <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />May 25, 2016 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2016 Agenda & Abstracts/ May Page 3 <br />identify child death patterns, system problems or gaps in services to children and families and to <br />make and carry out recommendations for change that will prevent future child deaths. <br /> <br />The CFPT reviewed 10 fatalities in 2015. Most were unpreventable. Potential system problems <br />identified were undiagnosed genetic disorders and prenatal tobacco use contributing to the <br />premature birth. Recommendations by the CFPT and CCPT were that new and potential <br />parents be counseled and screened for genetic disorders and that pregnant women be <br />encouraged and supported in stopping tobacco use. <br /> <br />C. 3rd Quarter Financial Reports and D. 3rd Quarter Billing Dashboard Reports <br /> <br />Rebecca Crawford, Finance & Administrative Services Division Director, gave a report on the 3rd <br />quarter revenue and billing accuracy. Her report is as follows: <br /> <br />• Total Health Department Revenue: Average YTD monthly revenue in FY16 after the 3rd <br />Quarter is $230k/month or $2.8 million YTD, representing 70.6% of our overall budgeted <br />revenue for the year. This is an increase from an average of $218k/month in FY15. <br />Expenses were slightly lower than revenues at 67.8%. <br /> <br />• Total Billing Accuracy: Continuing with the goal of 90% billing accuracy set in FY 14-15, <br />the average billing accuracy rate for medical three quarters of the way through FY 15-16 <br />is 86% as compared to 92% in FY 14-15 and the average rate for dental for FY 15-16 is <br />93% as compared to 94% in FY 14-15. <br /> <br />• Dental Earned Revenue by Source: The FY 15-16 average monthly revenue <br />($40k/month) is slightly below our budget projection ($45k/month) but still above our FY <br />14-15 average of $36k/month. FY 15-16 dental revenue totaled $483k at the end of the <br />third quarter. Dental earned revenue will most likely continue to increase each month as <br />our new dentist adds more clients to her schedule. <br /> <br />• Medical Earned Revenue by Source: Medical earned revenue is currently below the <br />budgeted projection for FY 15-16. The monthly average after the third quarter <br />($46k/month) is lower than FY15 ($50k/y) and our budget projection ($50k/month). This <br />was mainly due to holding Maternal Health encounters for Global Billing (billing multiple <br />encounters at the end of the pregnancy) and holding multiple program encounters until <br />we come to a resolution with Medicaid of an acceptable method to bill same day <br />appointments, which we resolved in late December. March and April showed monthly <br />revenue totals of $50k and $57k respectfully and we anticipate these monthly totals will <br />stay at this level for the remainder of the fiscal year. <br /> <br /> <br />VI. Action Items (Non-Consent) <br /> <br />A. 2016-2018 Strategic Plan <br /> <br />Meredith Stewart, Public Health Program Manager, began by stating that the three <br />subcommittees (Physical Activity and Nutrition, Substance Abuse and Mental Health, and Social <br />Determinants of Health) met and their representatives provided their recommended focus areas <br />and action steps for inclusion in the 2016-2018 Board of Health Strategic Plan. The <br />recommendations were formed using guidance and data obtained from the 2015 Community