OUTBoard agenda 111517
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 111517
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Last modified
3/5/2018 4:14:44 PM
Creation date
3/5/2018 3:51:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard minutes 111617
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220 Fordham Blvd. near Erwin Road as an example of a super street. This design makes it so a road does not have to be <br />221 widened for turn lanes. Next, Mr. Henry went over slides on bus rapid transit for North -South routes from Eubanks <br />222 Rd. to Southern Village and to UNC Hospitals (shows some areas with grade separation); Durham - Orange Light Rail <br />223 Transit going from UNC Hospitals over to NC Central University and Duke University and down NC -54; and the <br />224 train /Amtrak station in Hillsborough (not listed but was discussed in the presentation). <br />225 <br />226 Alex Castro asked why there is not consideration of a commuter rail along that rail line. <br />227 <br />228 David Laudicina said that there are future plans for this. <br />229 <br />230 Andy Henry answered that yes, the commuter rail is in the CTP, but will not likely be in the MTP because of the <br />231 amount of funding it needs. Theoretically, it will go down through Raleigh and will stop in west Durham. <br />232 <br />233 David Laudicina spoke about train limitations due to the single track in that area. <br />234 <br />235 Andy Henry said that the details are being worked out. <br />236 <br />237 David Laudicina said that having a train or two run in the morning and in the evening to extend it out for commuters <br />238 would be a good plan. <br />239 <br />240 Andy Henry said that this is the beginning of project development in the long range plan. There will be an in -depth <br />241 analysis beyond the regional area models shown in this presentation. <br />242 <br />243 Alex Castro said that there is a good case study in New Mexico where a couple of trains run from Albuquerque to the <br />244 capital, Santa Fe, and it is with just a few trains on which workers commute to the state capital. <br />245 <br />246 Gary Saunders said that in Orange County, the rail lines are owned CSX which looked at its profile of freight trains <br />247 and were pleased that scheduling did not seem as difficult as first thought. <br />248 <br />249 David Laudicina said that he thought that the rail is owned by North Carolina Railroad. <br />250 <br />251 Andy Henry said that CSX leases to North Carolina Railroad but CSX has the right. <br />252 <br />253 David Laudicina said that freight always wins. <br />254 <br />255 Gary Saunders agreed and said that this is why CSX was looking into the dynamic between freight and passenger <br />256 trains. <br />257 <br />258 David Laudicina and Alex Castro gave other examples of commuter trains being figured out alongside freight trains in <br />259 Philadelphia and in northern Virginia. <br />260 <br />261 Andy Henry said that the transit plan in the presentation is based on the Durham County and Orange County transit <br />262 plans. There is also funding for increased and resources towards bus service hours, park and ride facilities and <br />263 vehicles. He concluded his presentation by pointing Board members to Attachment 4 which shows projects that have <br />264 changed since the packet was put together a few weeks ago. For example, Eno Mountain Rd. shows an air quality <br />265 year of 2060 but it may be included in the 2045 MTP draft plans; Estes Drive and Seawell School Rd. will undergo a <br />266 modernization; Eubanks Road will be widened from MLK Blvd. to Millhouse Road; collector streets near Daniel <br />267 Boone Village will be in the 2045 Plan; and Mt. Carmel Church Rd. from 15 -501 to Old Lystra will undergo <br />268 modernization as well. <br />269 *Note: Board members are advised to check with Mr. Henry for more details beyond these minutes since these <br />270 updates to the packet may not be all inclusive. <br />271 <br />272 Heidi Perry asked about cost per mile for the road widening of 1 -40 and 1 -85. She said that there is no length to the <br />273 project listed. <br />274 <br />9 <br />
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