Orange County NC Website
Scenarios <br />The 2045 MTP uses the Connect 2045 Triangle area land use modeling process, which is based <br />on a model called Community Visualization (or CommViz). The Connect 2045 team created two <br />land use scenarios with the direct assistance of local land use planners throughout the Triangle <br />area. In these scenarios, the CommViz model distributes the county -level guide totals of <br />population and employment growth to a particular place. <br />• Community Plan —This scenario is based on the local comprehensive plans and land use <br />policies, and can be understood as the most likely scenario. <br />AIM -High —This scenario uses the Community Plan scenarios as a base but increases the <br />land use density and mix around the future light rail. It is based on draft data from an <br />ongoing regional study on rail station development potential, and though it pushes the <br />limits it is still market possible. <br />Preferred Option Uses AIM -High <br />The MPO staff proposes using the AIM -High scenario for the Preferred Option. AIM -High is <br />within the market possibilities of rail station development and it proved to have desired, <br />positive impacts on the performance measures such as reduced overall congestion and delay. <br />Maps <br />The maps on the following pages show the distribution of the growth of households and <br />employment from 2013 through 2045 in the Triangle Region and the three counties in the MPO. <br />The set of household maps are presented first, followed by the employment maps. <br />77 <br />