Orange County NC Website
493 Abigaile Pittman noted that Todd Jones is coming to the upcoming meeting to talk about market testing for the final <br />494 logo options <br />495 <br />496 Heidi Perry asked if anyone has any questions. Hearing none she moved forward on the agenda. <br />497 <br />498 AGENDA ITEM 6: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br />499 <br />500 AGENDA ITEM 7: STAFF UPDATES <br />501 <br />502 7A. STAFF UPDATE ON THE CONCEPT OF A PROJECT TO INCLUDE BICYCLE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON OLD NC 86, <br />503 INCLUDING THE INTERSECTION OF OLD NC 86 AND HOMESTEAD RD /DAIRYLAND RD (ABIGAILE PITTMAN) <br />504 <br />505 Abigaile Pittman guided the Board to page 47 of the Agenda Packet. There is a developing project proposal that <br />506 relates to this. She recalled that the OUTBoard had questions at the April and August Board meetings about the <br />507 roundabouts at intersection of Old NC 86 and Homestead Rd. /Dairyland Rd. The main question was if a feasibility <br />508 study could be done about bicycle lanes. The OUTBoard voted on April 191h to add the concept of a Calvander <br />509 roundabout proposal to the projects in the 2020 -2029 Statewide Transportation Improvements Program (STIP). The <br />510 BOCC approved the proposed project list with that revision on May 2, 2017. Heidi Perry inquired about the feasibility <br />511 study of bike lanes from Carrboro to Hillsborough, inclusive of the roundabout project. While this proposal was being <br />512 reviewed there was a corresponding conversation between NCDOT, the Town of Carrboro, and the MPO for a <br />513 highway project inclusive of bicycle safety improvements on Old NC 86 between Homestead Road and Old <br />514 Fayetteville Road. She noted the map on page 50 showing the boundaries of the proposed project and read the <br />515 description aloud. There is a chunk of this roadway that will be 3 lanes with bike lane paved shoulders; not full bike <br />516 lanes, but this was NCDOT's and the MPO's response to bicycle safety in this section of Old NC 86. <br />517 <br />518 Heidi Perry asked if the proposal had already gone through the funding process. <br />519 <br />520 Abigaile Pittman answered that no, it has not. <br />521 <br />522 Heidi Perry said that Tina Moon in Carrboro relayed that initially this was presented to the MPO for STPP funding but <br />523 NCDOT and the MPO wants to control the design part. There are some places along this stretch where you do not <br />524 want to have extra bike lanes. <br />525 <br />526 Abigaile Pittman said that she had a somewhat different conversation with Ed Lewis. He stated that the concept was <br />527 to have some bike lanes, have some turn lanes, but the exact location will have to be designed. <br />528 <br />529 Heidi Perry agreed and said that this does not mean there will be a roundabout but rather that the intersection will be <br />530 improved. <br />531 <br />532 <br />533 7B. STAFF UPDATE ON THE ORANGE COUNTY PROCESS TO SUBMIT PROJECTS TO MPOS /RPOS (ABIGAILE PITTMAN) <br />534 <br />535 Abigaile Pittman reviewed the abstract. She that Andy Henry's presentation mostly addressed this item but to clarify <br />536 further - each MPO and RPO work with member jurisdictions like Orange County and they create proposed project <br />537 lists to submit to NCDOT. The process is in its fourth iteration which occurs every 2 years and is now beginning its <br />538 5th cycle of the Strategic Transportation Prioritization Process. Orange County belongs to two urban MPO groups <br />539 including Durham - Chapel Hill- Carrboro, and Burlington- Graham ;and a rural RPO group with the Triangle Area Rural <br />540 Planning Organization. We prepare a draft list as everything changes a bit along the way. Current Orange County <br />541 project lists are substantially similar to the items on the last iteration. New local projects include the Daniel Boone <br />542 area and Mayo area. The preliminary project list first comes to the OUTBoard for consideration. The OUTBoard then <br />543 forwards that list to the BOCC. The BOCC approves the list for further consideration with the MPO and the RPO. <br />544 Sometimes items on the list do not get scored and do not make it into the TIP list. The timing of project submission is <br />545 determined by the MPO and RPOs in coordination with NCDOT. See page 53 in the packet for the timeline and list. <br />546 This 41h iteration will get approval and funding in December 2018 - January 2019 by the state Board of Transportation. <br />547 Ms. Pittman said she wanted to make sure OUTBoard members understood the process and point of reference. <br />14 <br />