Orange County NC Website
384 <br />385 Heidi Perry said that there could be an asterisk noting how these configurations include many factors. How many <br />386 minutes could be saved on a commute? She is skeptical that adding a lane could only temporarily reduce congestion <br />387 or does it make it easier to add to the problem. <br />388 <br />389 Gary Saunders, Heidi Perry and David Laudicina discussed traffic on Friday nights and how bus drivers find various <br />390 ways of getting through traffic around the area and save /make -up time during routes. <br />391 <br />392 Heidi Perry asked if anyone has any comments they want Tom Altieri to take to the BOCC and /or work group. <br />393 <br />394 Alex Castro said that the BOCC and work group need to be vigilant in terms of technology and communications and <br />395 autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the modeling on population across generations should be considered; it is his <br />396 understanding that millennials prefer to live in urban areas and may not buy cars. He said that we need to see what <br />397 the future will be like, not employ a 1950s mentality to any of the issues at hand. <br />398 <br />399 David Laudicina added that millennials' preferences may change based on life circumstances as they get older. <br />400 <br />401 Heidi Perry said that she would like to see a presentation on how the models in Mr. Henry's presentation are created. <br />402 <br />403 Tom Altieri said that there are 2 models; Community Viz places the forecasted population and employment on the <br />404 ground, which feeds into the Triangle Regional Model. In the past, there have been representatives from the County <br />405 on the staff group that works with Community Viz but not with the group on the Triangle Regional Model at this time. <br />406 If there are any additional comments, please send comments to him directly or to Abigaile Pittman. <br />407 <br />408 Heidi Perry went back to Agenda Item 2 to approve the Minutes. She asked if there were any corrections. Hearing <br />409 none, Ms. Perry asked for a motion to approve the minutes. <br />410 <br />411 MOTION: Alex Castro moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Art Menius. <br />412 <br />413 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />414 <br />415 AGENDA ITEM 5: REGULAR OUTBOARD AGENDA (ACTION ITEMS) <br />416 <br />417 AGENDA ITEM 5A. BICYCLE SAFETY IMPLEMENTATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (ART MEWS, ABIGAILE PITTMAN) <br />418 <br />419 Abigaile Pittman said that the purpose of this is to receive the report from the Bicycle Safety Implementation <br />420 Subcommittee and to provide any comments or suggestions from the OUTBoard. Art Menius is the chair of the <br />421 Subcommittee. Ms. Pittman passed out a copy of her presentation. <br />422 <br />423 Art Menius noted that in the packet, the meeting notes from August 23, 2017 start on page 34 and continue on page <br />424 41 with other notes from another meeting (stapling discrepancy). Comments were made to Melissa Blackburn on the <br />425 logo emphasizing that there be people in the logo, not just vehicles. She had 16 logo suggestions, narrowed down to <br />426 3 at the September 11, 2017 meeting. Peter Leousis from the original Bicycle Safety Taskforce attended the August <br />427 23rd and September 111h meeting; Bonnie Hauser attended the September 111h meeting. <br />428 <br />429 <br />430 Art Menius said that he was elected chair of the Bicycle Safety Implementation Subcommittee at the August 23rd <br />431 meeting. The Subcommittee has $10,000 in funding from the General Fund and $5,000 from the Visitor's Bureau.. <br />432 The Subcommittee will create a budget at their next meeting on October 41h. Laurie Paolicelli from the Convention <br />433 and Visitor's Bureau informed the Subcommittee of the variety of resources at their disposal, including access to <br />434 media outlets and print sources for advertising space available pro bono and for purchase out of the $5,000 budget. <br />435 Todd McGee, Director of Community Relations will help with a Facebook page, Twitter account, and website, to get <br />436 the word out about the Subcommittee and its work. Melissa Blackburn, Graphic Designer, will provide guidance on <br />437 the arts and communications and design the website. The Subcommittee wants to do a video contest among the <br />438 schools for a safety video to get PSAs out there. The Subcommittee narrowed down the logo design options to 3 <br />12 <br />