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329 the road projects matched with the innovations in technology may not be envisioned in the same way that they are <br />330 today. <br />331 <br />332 Andy Henry said that the final chapter of the plan will talk about vehicles that communicate with each other, <br />333 autonomous vehicles, but this is not in the model because they have not been able to observe the behavior of these <br />334 vehicles. Plans updated every 4 years, so once they know more, the plan will be updated, but these advances still <br />335 seem too far out. There are many debates regarding how this will play out that Mr. Henry has been hearing, like the <br />336 idea that urban environments could be denser with autonomous vehicles on the roads, or perhaps people will live in <br />337 rural environments and use the commute to do work while their car is driving into more urban environments. Future <br />338 models will incorporate ITS. <br />339 <br />340 Alex Castro recommended that the MPO get involved with ITS - American to get into planning and the studying of <br />341 trends to get an idea of how this is moving and how that will impact our planning. <br />342 <br />343 David Laudicina wondered if autonomous vehicles would really lead to give less traffic. <br />344 <br />345 Heidi Perry said that if they were going at same speed they would travel more smoothly. <br />346 <br />347 David Laudicina thought that connected vehicles would help on interstate and faster roads, though the vehicles could <br />348 be hacked. <br />349 <br />350 Andy Henry said people still need to have a vehicle, it still has to come and pick up the passenger /owner, it will still <br />351 be on the road, maybe it will park farther away from downtown and parking needs will change. We will see over time. <br />352 Mr. Henry thanked the Board for its time and attention to his presentation. <br />353 <br />354 Abigaile advised the Chair to return to the review of the minutes. <br />355 <br />356 Tom Altieri referred to Andy Henry's note that the BOCC would receive a similar presentation on October 3, 2017. <br />357 The BOCC will then have the opportunity to put together some comments and will send them to the MPO. Tonight's <br />358 meeting gives an opportunity for the OUTBoard to get any comments to the BOCC when it hears presentation. There <br />359 is also a meeting October 2, 2017 among three of our elected officials who are representatives on the MPO Board, <br />360 Commissioners Jacobs, and Rich, and Marcoplos (not officially a representative for the MPO) will also be joined by a <br />361 representative from the County Manager's Office, Theo Letman from OPT, and a few County planners as well to form <br />362 a work group. Since there is a lot to absorb with the MTP, this meeting will provide time for getting an early start on <br />363 looking at the table (the full segments to the table will be added to the materials). The OUTBoard can provide <br />364 comments to this work group for moving forward. The Chair of the OUTBoard, Heidi Perry, is unable to attend but <br />365 Abigaile Pittman will be attending. Alex Castro, Vice Chair is also available to attend. <br />366 <br />367 Alex Castro said that Abigaile Pittman had provided to the Board this past June information on an MPO presentation <br />368 on managed motorways. He compared parts of that presentation to the case of Australia where they are controlling <br />369 motorways and how that is being developed. <br />370 <br />371 Heidi Perry requested updates in the spreadsheet. <br />372 <br />373 Tom Altieri said that any updates would be shared with the group. <br />374 <br />375 Heidi Perry said that she wants mileage to be added and a column that says what benefit a project is bringing (i.e. <br />376 adding 2 lanes to an interstate for $30 million, what are you getting for it? If these changes save 5 minutes each day, <br />377 how does that translate and is it worth it ?). <br />378 <br />379 Tom Altieri asked Andy Henry if Ms. Perry's requested updates could be broken out in the table. He noted that travel <br />380 time savings is run on the entire network but asked about the possibility for doing a breakout for individual factors. <br />381 <br />382 Andy Henry replied that each project could not be broken out like this but that for some of them, a travel time index <br />383 could be updated with a cost per hour and delays; these calculations are for key corridors, the interstate. <br />11 <br />