Orange County NC Website
2. Consistency with local and regional plans — Candidate projects must be consistent and included within locally <br />adopted comprehensive plans and the adopted Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) and the Metropolitan <br />Transportation Plan (MTP). <br />3. Public Involvement — Consideration of public comments by the TAC before assigning local input points to the <br />rank ordered project list. <br />4. Point Assignment —The TAC will assign the maximum 100 points to the top ranked projects. <br />Per the NCDOT and STI regulations, 1,300 points is available to assign to Region level projects and Division level projects. <br />The TAC may exercise its option of sharing or allocating unassigned local input points to increase the "scoring" of <br />regional transportation projects (regional being more than one county) with an adjacent MPO. This process is <br />accomplished via an informal agreement between the MPOs and notification to NCDOT. <br />Total Score and Proiect Ranking Approach <br />The ranked list of the highest scoring projects will be submitted to NCDOT for further evaluation. Final project submittal <br />will also occur via online process with NCDOT. <br />Material Sharing <br />Any rationale for point assignments made by the TAC or via public input which deviate from this methodology will be <br />placed on the BGMPO website. The public input process may be adjusted to meet NCDOT imposed deadlines or data <br />requirements. The MPO will release the draft list of proposed STI projects and the proposed local ranking methodology <br />for a public review and comment period according to the schedule below. The existing SPOT projects with the previous <br />scores will also be included in the materials and available for review at the BGMPO office and posted on the BGMPO <br />website at The BGMPO will publish the information and announce a public meeting in the general <br />circulation media outlets and also on the BGMPO website. All public comments received will be submitted to TAC for <br />review and used in the selection of local projects to submit to the SPOT office for technical analysis and score <br />development. A record of all public comments received (through the BGMPO website, public meetings, etc.) will be <br />maintained through adoption of NCDOT's Final STIP by the Board of Transportation. <br />Schedule and Public Outreach <br />January 2017- MPO initiates project submittal process <br />February 28, 2017 — Pre - submittal Projects due to NCDOT <br />June 29, 2017 - NCDOT Board of Transportation approves P5.0 criteria, measures, and weights <br />July to September 2017 - SPOT On!ine opens for submitting new projects <br />August 2017 — Existing Project Deletions and Modifications due to NCDOT <br />August 31, 2017- Candidate project deadline for submittal to MPO for evaluation <br />September 2017- MPO analysis and identify projects for submittal <br />September 2017 - TAC review and approval of Draft List of Project Submittals <br />September 2017 — Submit candidate projects to NCDOT for evaluation/ Deadline for Alternate Weights for Regional <br />Impact and Division Needs scoring <br />November 2017 — Public review of MPO project submittals <br />December 1 to January 17, 2018 —TCC /TAC /Public review and approval of Local Input Point Methodology <br />March 31, 2018— Quantitative Scores and Draft list of Programmed Statewide Mobility Projects released <br />April to June 2018— Local Input Point Assignment Window for Regional projects <br />May 16, 2018 —TAC approval of Regional Project List /results posted to BGMPO website for public comment <br />August 2018— Draft list of Programmed Regional Projects released <br />September to October 2018— Division Needs Local Input Point Assignment Window <br />October 2018 —TAC approval of Division Needs Project List /results posted to MPO website for public comment <br />January 2019 — Draft 2019 -2029 STIP released <br />Draft — December 2017 <br />41 <br />