Orange County NC Website
It should be noted that projects from higher categories are able to "cascade down" for eligibility <br />in lower categories as well, should they be unsuccessful in getting selected for funding at the <br />higher category. Thus all Statewide projects are also eligible in the Regional and Division <br />competitions, and all Regional projects are also eligible in the Division competition. <br />TARPO has 1400 local input points to assign in both the Regional Impact and Division Needs <br />categories. This document describes the method for selecting projects to which to assign these <br />points. <br />The local prioritization process consists of three parts: (1) ranking of projects at the countywide <br />level; (2) quantitative scoring of projects; and (3) ranking of scored projects for assignment of <br />points. Each of these is discussed in more detail below. <br />D e s c l i 1G,') i o r°IK <br />Countywide Ranking of Projects <br />Within each TARPO county, all the local jurisdictions (including the county and any <br />municipalities within the county) must work together to develop a single ranked list of projects in <br />all modes to submit to TARPO for use in the prioritization process. This list must be based on <br />the list of projects that have been previously submitted to NCDOT —new projects cannot be <br />added at this point in the process. These projects should be ranked in order from highest <br />priority ( #1) to lowest ( #10). If there are more than ten projects within a county, then only the <br />top ten should be ranked. It is up to the local jurisdictions, working together, to determine the <br />best method for achieving this within each county; however, the following general rules apply: <br />• All jurisdictions should be given an opportunity to participate in the development of their <br />county's ranked project list if they choose <br />• The process must include at least one meeting open to the public that allows for public <br />comment <br />There must be written documentation stating the reasoning behind the selected project <br />ranking (this must be submitted to TARPO and will be posted online along with the <br />project list) <br />These local ranked priority lists should be developed and submitted to TARPO by May 15, <br />2018, after NCDOT releases its draft quantitative scores for projects. Once submitted to <br />TARPO, the local priority lists will be posted online and made available for additional public <br />comment prior to the TARPO RTAC's approval of local input points on projects. <br />All projects will receive 50% of their total TARPO score based on the ranking assigned to that <br />project by local officials in the above - described countywide rankings. This applies to all modes. <br />These points will be assigned as follows: <br /># 1 Priority in County <br />50 points <br /># 6 Priority in County <br />25 points <br /># 2 Priority in County <br />45 points <br /># 7 Priority in County <br />20 points <br /># 3 Priority in County <br />40 points <br /># 8 Priority in County <br />15 points <br /># 4 Priority in County <br />35 points <br /># 9 Priority in County <br />10 points <br /># 5 Priority in County <br />30 points <br />#10 Priority in County <br />1 5 points <br />* All other projects (ranked lower or unranked) receive 0 points for this item. <br />TARPO1/2/2018 Draft Prioritization 5.0 Local Point Methodology for Triangle Area RPO — Page 2 <br />