Orange County NC Website
<br />"EXHIBIT A" <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />A. Student Generation Rate Scope of Work <br />The suggested tasks are discussed below. <br />Task 1: Discuss. and Agree on Public School Student Generation Rate <br />Methodology. <br />Tischler & Associates, Inc. will meet with the client to discuss the various approaches to <br />calculating public school student generation rates. Assuming mutual agreement as to the <br />methodology and data to be utilized, Tischler & Associates, Inc. will prepare a <br />memorandum summarizing the public school student generation rate methodology. <br />Work Product: Memorandum Summarizing Public School Student Generation Rate <br />Methodology <br />Task 2. Public School Student Generation Rate Memoranda. <br />Based on the above task, Tischler & Associates, Inc. will review the data provided by the <br />County by District and by type of school and by type of house. Tischler & Associates, Inc. <br />will raise any questions regarding data and supplemental information with appropriate <br />County staff. Tischler & Associates, Inc. will then prepare a memorandum reformatting the <br />data for inclusion in the impact fee report. The memorandum for each school district will list <br />the public school student generation rate by type of housing unit for each type of school. <br />Work Product: Public School Student Generation Rate Memoranda. <br />B. Impact Fee Scope of Work <br />Our scope of work is comprehensive. The proposed tasks are noted below. <br />Task 1. Assess Current Impact Fee Program. <br />The initial assessment of the County's current impact fee program pertaining to the two <br />school districts will include reviewing existing impact fee methodologies previously <br />completed by Tischler & Associates, Inc. in~2001. This will include the geographic sub- <br />areas currently utilized in relation to the rational nexus requirements. The work in this task <br />will be based on onsite interviews. We will recommend what changes should be made to <br />the exiting school impact fees. We will prepare a draft memorandum discussing <br />recommended impact fee changes, relating to methodological or policy issues. After <br />mutually agreed upon changes are made, we will issue a final memorandum. <br />Work Product: Memorandum Discussion Recommended Impact Fee Changes <br />