Agenda - 12-04-2006-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-04-2006
Agenda - 12-04-2006-5l
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9/1/2008 10:41:46 PM
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8/29/2008 9:54:48 AM
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2006 S Manager - Amendment to Interlocal Agreement for Operating/Sharing Cost for Fairview Community Policing Center
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2006
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Tom. <br />of <br />ills h <br />~~ z,~ <br />S <br />May 30, 2006 <br />®1994 Tovm al Hiils6orougn <br />Mr. Barry Jacobs, Chair <br />Orange County Commissioners <br />P.O. Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br /> <br />~'YV- <br />Dear Chair ;acv , /~ <br />Both the staffs and elected officials from our respective organizations have informally discussed the possibility <br />of working out an agreement where the Town of Hillsborough could acquire the office space in the Fairview <br />Community Policing Station currently assigned to Orange County. I would like your help to move forward with <br />this idea. <br />Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough partnered approximately six years ago to build the Fairview <br />Station to help address public safety concerns in this area. The County provided the land for the station while the <br />Town paid for design and building construction. Orange County has been making annual, payments to the Town <br />to repay the Town for a portion of the construction cost and ongoing building maintenance. The Town's <br />Community Policing Division quickly outgrew their space, primarily due to the success and number of on-site <br />programs that are offered to children in the surrounding area. The space in the facility assigned to Orange <br />County is likely not as conducive to providing services as was originally envisioned. Hence, the two Orange <br />County offices in the building have seen very limited use since the facility opened. <br />Being able to acquire these additional offices would provide a huge boost to the Town's Community Policing <br />Division's efforts to serve the neighborhood. Gaining this additional space to help the Police Department seems <br />to be especially important with the redevelopment efforts that are currently being pursued in the area (e.g., the <br />Habitat for Humanity Project, Fairview Park, and Highway 70 Corridor Re-development plans). If this idea is <br />something Orange County is interested in considering, the remaining debt service and maintenance payments <br />could be eliminated and (if necessary) the Town could reimburse Orange County for a portion of previous <br />payments could be a means to facilitate the transfer of office space. <br />If Orange County feels that it could give up the office space without causing any unnecessary hardships on its <br />operations, then the Town would be anxious to discuss developing a way to make this transfer happen. The <br />Town Board has already authorized our Town Manager to work with the Orange County staff to develop a <br />proposal for both Boards to consider, if this is an idea that the Orange County Commissioners are interested in <br />pursuing. I thank you in advance for your consideration of this important matter! <br />Let me take this additional opportunity to also thank you and the County Commissioners for your on-going help <br />and cooperation with the many joint efforts that our two governments are currently pursuing. Please don't ever <br />hesitate to contact me if there is anything that I can do to provide assistance in any way to Orange County. <br />Best regards, <br />Tom Stevens ~~-~~-..~`~'~j~+ ~ <br />Mayor <br />- ; MAY ~ ~. ?.006 <br />101 East Orange Street • P.O. Box 429 • Hillsborough, North Carolina 2278 <br />919-732-1270 Fax 919-644-2390 ~B~i'' - <br />
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