Agenda - 12-04-2006-5i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-04-2006
Agenda - 12-04-2006-5i
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0 <br />• Each county by September 30, 2006 shalt have completed the following: <br />Support Branch Manager and your Branch offices; <br />• Encarporated NIMS into existing training programs and exercises; <br />• Participated in an all-hazard exercise program based on NIMS that involves responders <br />from multiple disciplines and multiple jurisdictions; <br />• Incorporated corrective actions into preparedness and response plans and procedures; <br />• Inventoried community response assets to conform to homeland security resource typing <br />standards; <br />• Revised and updated plans and 50Ps to incorporate NIMS components, principles and <br />policies, to include planning, training, response, exercises, equipment, evaluation, and <br />corrective actions; <br />• ,Promoted intrastate mutual aid agreements; <br />• Managed all emergency incidents and preplanned (recurring/special} events in accordance <br />with ICS organizational structures, doctrine, and procedures, as defined in NIMS; <br />• Adopted NIMS at the community level for all government departments and agencies; as well <br />as promote and encourage NIMS adoption by associations, utilities, non-governmental <br />organizations (NGOs), and private sector inciden# management and response organizations; <br />^ Updated your Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement and provided an electronic copy to the State <br />Information S~ Planning Chief (gfaltinowski by September 30, 2006: <br />^ At a minimum verified at least one person from each funded jurisdiction attended the Fall <br />Emergency Management Association Conference.. Attendance of all local EM staff at both the <br />Spring and Fall conferences is encouraged, but not required; <br />^ Each funded jurisdiction conducted a training assessment using the NCEM Needs Assessment <br />to determine the types of training needed to further develop and maintain a quality Emergency <br />Management Program in that jurisdiction..Training requirements should be coordinated <br />through the NC Division of Emergency Management's Branch Offices and the Information & <br />Planning Section., Your completed training needs assessment calendar year 2007 document <br />should be sent to the Division of 1mergency Management, Information & Planning, Training & <br />Exercising Branch to Diane Stanton by September 30, 2006; <br />= Each funded jurisdicfron planned for and participated in a minimum of two disa$ter exercises„ <br />Exercises should include multiple local andlor state agencies, and may take the form of a table- <br />top or a functional activity., Exercise activity should be coordinated with your appropriate <br />Branch Office; and the Division's Information 8~ Planning Training & Exercising Branch, <br />including details and dates of your exercises; <br />= During this fiscal .year each funded jurisdiction tested the satellite telephone by contacting your <br />appropriate NC Division of Emergency Management's Branch Office the first and last Fridays <br />of each month; <br />• During this fiscal year each funded jurisdiction worked on the formation of a Loca{ Emergency <br />Planning Committee (LEPC). The LEPC should be Gounty or Regional; <br />• Each funded jurisdiction worked on the formation of an Unmet Needs Committee., Your <br />appropriate Branch Office will work with you to establish this committee; <br />= Each funded jurisdiction sent in ari EM-43 Emergency Event Forrn to advise the Division's <br />Communication Officer of events such as, Hazardous Material Spills, Property Damage, <br />Injuries and/or Deaths, Relocation of a minimum of 1 ~ Residents, Opening of Shelter(s), and <br />Terrorism related activities; <br />• Each funded jurisdiction developed a written plan for the implementation and operation of a <br />county receiving and distribution center„ <br />^ Each funded jurisdiction developed a written summary of shelter plans to include housing <br />general populations of evacuatees, and special populations of evacuees, (special populations <br />would include residents of hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home health <br />patients..) <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />
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