Minutes - 19561105
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19561105
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Y,4 <br />Commissioner Edwin S. Lanier moved the p¢ss¢ge of the foregoing resolution entitled: "FL'iSOLUTIC <br />PROVIDZPiG f0R Yr°, ZSSUA?:CE OF 5250 s000 SCHOOL BUIi.DII7G BOFR7 A?]TICIPATIO?I PfOTES" a~ Commission.=.r <br />D. ft, P.ay seconded the motion ¢rd the resolution eras passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Commissioners R, .7, h.. Hobbes Sim L. Eflards Edwin 5. Seniers A, E?. Reps Henri S, Stalker. <br />Nce s: Nona. <br />Upon motion of Cormission_r '!alkars seconded by Commissioner Hays the following resolution was <br />unanimously passed: <br />EP; IT ATSOLVED that the property in the territory he re irnfter described be added to the ore sent <br />territory of the Greater Chapel Hill Fire District: <br />He ginning at a point in the ore sent boundary of the Greater Chapel Hill Fire Protection <br />Districts north of the corooznte limits of the Tarn of Chanel Hills end in tho ?lorth- <br />western portion of the Distriots chase Holin Cx eek crosses the present District boun- <br />daxys rvnning thence in a wa sterly direction with the said Bolin Creek tp the point <br />where the Creek crosses the right-of-way of the University Rnilroads running thence is <br />a northwesterly dirents on with the right-of-way line of the Aeilroad to s paint duo <br />^7est of the present northwest corner of the Districts which seid corner lies Sn the <br />Horace :'.'illiams Airport Property of the University of North Carolinas thence due Bast <br />to the s¢id corners thence in a southeeeterlg direction wit F. the nre sent District <br />boundary to the teginning point. <br />Etr, Alex He•,'~ahons one of the members of the Greater Chapel Hill Fire Protection District Commis- <br />sions suggested that same proposed legislation be written that would gips the FSre District Comvissio <br />and the Hoard of County Commissioners the authority to extead the File District witF.out having to <br />obtain the consent of all the property mrsrs in the area that wants to be admitted. The Hcerd re- <br />quested ihx'. hichlehon to study ar8 draw a plan for' the proposed legislation and report to them at a <br />]star date, <br />IInon motion oT Commissloner 5flands seconded by Commissioner Aay and unanimously pesseds the <br />Chairmen was suthorized to sign the nele two-year contract between Orange County end hiss. Fsye Hulets <br />the nre sent Court Reporter, <br />The 'following road oe titions were submitted: <br />R read in Hillsboro Toemshiq running fYom the Old Cedar Grave Road to the Old Eock Roed an3 <br />known ns Oak Street. Length oS sped: ~ mile, <br />A road in Cheeks Townships running tram Shambley's Service Ststion ton dead end. Length of <br />sped: .3 mile, <br />A road in Hillsboro Townships running from Old Highway Flo, 10 Rest $46 feet to Johnson Estate <br />and known as Oakl¢nd Drive, length oT r'osd: 546 feet. <br />The Heard agreed to inspect the above described roads on their next ro¢d inspection tour. <br />Chairman Hobbs read e letter Trem the Highway Department edvi sing that the district me sting <br />is to be he Sd on November 28s 1956, et the District Office in Grehems IL C. <br />Upoa motion of Commissioner Ralkers sec ended by Commissioner Efl¢nds and unanimously epproveds <br />Commissioner Dwight Asy was rimed to represent Orange County at the Industrial Deve looment Corpornti <br />meeting in Fayetteville on December 5th. This meeting concerns the Ceoe Fear River Es sin Pro,jec t. <br />Chairman Hobbs reed a letter from the Iduseum Committee of the Hillsboro Garden Clubs requesting <br />the Board to designate a site for a Lfuseum for Orange Ccunty, <br />The Basrd recommended that the upstairs room in the Confederate 2Semorial Library be used Tor <br />the hfuseums and they resolved that they will give the tiusewn Committee their cooperation in helping <br />to establish en3 emuip seid Museum once the plans are complete. <br />Fred Cnte ss Jr. was present and discussed with the Bpnrd the price of the proper ty that the <br />County has considered buying from him. Np action was taken on this matter, <br />Conmissicnsr Efland suggested that new legislstion be proposed Tor this County that only <br />lbee holders be slim, ed to vote in Orange County Hotta Elections. There was some discussion on this <br />proposals but no action etas taken. <br />Commissioner Ffland recommended that the Board set nside certain areas to be designated as <br />"garbage disposal are ¢s" far the use of the suburban housing developments. This also would ba <br />included in the proposed legislation For 1957, tlo action was taken oa this recommend¢tiott, <br />Upon motion of Commissioner F.flends seconded by Conmissloner t"slkerl it was moved that the <br />Bcsrd reaffirm its decision made on June 4s 1956, concerning the amendment to the election laws of <br />Orange County with. Commissioners Relkezs Rays Lanier ¢nd Efland voting is the affL^mstive and <br />C::^.air:aan Hobbs abstaining. <br /> <br />TF.e following pewee were drawn to serve ns Sur ors for the December Term oT Superior Court: <br />
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