Orange County NC Website
2 | Page CHOCVB BOD Meeting April 16 , 2014 <br /> <br />In the absence of Penny Rich, Laurie Paolicelli reported on the current budget, noting that revenue is running about 8- <br />10% over budget. Paolicelli confirmed with Anthony Carey that he, Penny Rich and Lee Pavao still plan to discuss the <br />rent and administrative fees charged to the Bureau with Commissioner Jacobs. She noted that the Bureau was originally <br />thought to become a 501C3, and the budget was based on that model. Anthony Carey commented on the occupancy tax <br />report, noting that occupancy revenue overall is strong; March numbers have not come in yet however they [Siena] and <br />the Carolina Inn were at 90% plus occupancy for March. <br /> <br />Mike Gering inquired if there is a way to compare our revenues with others. Paolicelli replied that we are trending ahead <br />of Durham and Raleigh and slightly above the national numbers and would send him that information. Gering also <br />inquired on the status of the public art project discussed last month. Paolicelli deferred to Martha Shannon for an <br />update. Ms. Shannon reported that the project is on hold now due to the Interim Manager’s hesitancy to sign an <br />agreement that had not been seen by the BOCC. The funding source remained uncertain. Gering asked for clarification. <br />If the funds are not available now, will we look at this again in FY 2016? Shannon confirmed. <br />UNC Athletics <br />With the arrival of Rick Steinbacher, conversation returned to the partnership with Tar Heel Athletics. Steinbacher spoke <br />on strategic plans which is set to include developing relationships with marketing moguls; the Disney Institute, Nike and <br />Coca Cola to assist with specific branding and game day events. Steinbacher also reported that he hopes to bring Tar <br />Heel Town to downtown twice this fall, one on a Friday and one on a Saturday. Meg McGurk sited that the economic <br />impact to Chapel Hill and local businesses from last year’s Zero Dark Thursday event/game amounted to over $5 million. <br />Discussion turned to the Touch Downtown campaign. Laurie Paolicelli gave a brief overview of the project and noted <br />that it should be revisited. Rick Steinbacher stated that it should be a combined branding and tangible effort rather than <br />just the branding aspect as was done in Touch Downtown. Lee Storrow inquired if there is a way to tell a broader story <br />that incorporates athletics with town assets. Steinbacher agreed but not sure how to go about it. Paolicelli suggested <br />this board look into it further, and bring Hillsborough to the table as a daytrip stop for visitors coming from Virginia. <br />Concluding the discussion, Paolicelli offered to have Clean Design develop some ideas. <br />Executive Director Report <br />Laurie Paolicelli reviewed the 2014-2015 Strategic Plan stating that as always, fits with the mission of the Bureau. <br />Paolicelli discussed revenue sources, expenditure allocations that match internationally recognized best practices, target <br />audiences, geographic focus, and opportunities and objectives. Paolicelli stated that high school and non-traditional <br />sports along with the LGBT groups market would be prime targets next fiscal year. She also reported that PR campaigns <br />would focus on food, farms, personalities, and festivals along with UNC Arts Venues. <br />Downtown Partnership <br />Meg McGurk updated the board on the Live & Local Friday night events that will run through June 27th, the Summer <br />Solstice event. She also mentioned an article in the Chapel Hill News about the public art display Exhale and <br />skateboarders. All events benefit tourists. <br />Arts <br />Debbie Hepp reported the OCAC is gearing up for the Spring Arts Grants awards. Martha Shannon spoke on the <br />Congressional Arts Competition. Hepp distributed upcoming art related events. <br /> <br />UNC