Orange County NC Website
11 <br />Uses/Activities: Allowable: Allowable with <br />Mitigation: <br />Greenways and/or hiking trails six (6) feet with width X <br />composed of natural materials at least thirty (30) <br />feet from the top of bank of a stream or water body. <br />_Greenways and/ar hiking trails six (6) feet in width, X <br />' with improved paths (i e woad decking etc) at least <br />thirty (30) feet from the top of bank of a stream or <br />water body. <br />Historic preservation projects/activities being <br />conducted in accordance with the provisions of all X <br />applicable County State and Federal regulations <br />Natural Streams: Periodic maintenance of modified <br />natural streams such as canals and a grassed travel X <br />waY on one side of the surface water when <br />alternative forms of maintenance access are not <br />practical. <br />Public water and sewer lines located in conjunction 'with the provisions and <br />requirements of the Orange County Water and Sewer.Policy that are located within <br />stream buffers only to the extent necessary and provided than they enter and exit the <br />buffer area as nearly perpendicular as possible and in accordance with the following <br />provisions: <br />1 Public water and sewer lines that does not <br />disturb over forty (40) linear feet of riparian X <br />buffer <br />2 Public water and sewer lines that disturbs <br />over forty (40} linear feet of riparian buffer. <br />Under no circumstances may a utility line X <br />reauire the disturbance of over one <br />hundred fifty (150~liriear feet of riparian <br />buffer <br />Note Individual or community wastewater disposal systems are not permitted within . <br />stream buffers. <br />Streets Roads bridge approach slabs and right-of-ways~ Public and private streets, <br />bridges and other similar travel ways Such uses may be located within stream buffers <br />only_to the extent necessary and provided that they enter and exit the buffer area as <br />nearly_perpendicular as possible and in accordance with the following provisions: <br />A- 11 <br />