CH-OCVB minutes 012115
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Chapel Hill-Orange County Visitors Bureau
CH-OCVB minutes 012115
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Last modified
3/5/2018 11:20:45 AM
Creation date
3/5/2018 11:20:34 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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4 | Page CHOCVB BOD Meeting January 21, 2015 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Special Sales Report <br />Anthony Carey announced that there have been talks between the hotel community and UNC in regard to their recent <br />contract with a third party travel booking agency, Campus Travel Management. UNC‘s goal is to collect commissions <br />from future bookings to Chapel Hill and Orange County hotels from travelers already visiting the area for reasons related <br />to UNC. This new revenue stream, levied on hotels, would help pay for new school scholarships. Mr. Carey stated that <br />Marlene Barbera had a meeting with UNC’s Vice Chancellor and gave the floor to her for details on the outcome of the <br />meeting. Ms. Barbera informed the board that in her meeting with Vice Chancellor Meredith Weiss, it was <br />communicated by UNC that by introducing their own ‘on-line travel agency’ component, the fees they gained could be <br />re-directed to scholarships. Laurie Paolicelli elaborated on the issue stating that, in essence, under this proposal, if the <br />hotels want UNC business they will have to go through a third party broker and pay a pass through fee and possible <br />10% commission, to continue to receive UNC related business. She felt it was an unfair fee to pass on to the hotels, <br />just for keeping their existing business. Ms. Barbera stated that the Vice Chancellor said they still have a lot of things to <br />work out and they are taking the issues to their legal department. Barbera said the University has no intentions to force <br />the hotels to do anything. Ms. Barbera stated that UNC has signed the contract but that it is not binding. <br />With that, Ms. Barbara went on to report that she sent 10 leads in December and 5 bookings were turned into definite <br />conference bookings, including an MPI Carolina Chapters meeting which booked 3 days at the Sheraton. She went on <br />further to say she will attend a trade show in South Carolina and she is exploring military reunion groups business in <br />which Hillsborough and UNC would be a perfect fit for itineraries. She also reported that the VB is extending its contract <br />with SDR (a lead referral group) and working with Shannon Media for advertorials in the Chapel Hill and Durham <br />Magazines that will focus on the benefits of tourism and the services offered by the Bureau. <br />Other Business: <br />Chairman Carey reminded the board that Jim Parker was nominated to serve as Vice Chair for the board however his <br />term expired leaving the position open again. Mr. Carey proposed Lee Storrow for the position inquiring if Mr. Storrow <br />would be interested. Mr. Storrow replied if there were any other candidates interested. It would be a two year term. <br />Carey inquired of the board stating it would be a two year term. Penny Rich then motioned to have Mr. Storrow serve as <br />Vice Chair, Rosemary Waldorf seconded. With all members in favor the motioned passed and Mr. Storrow accepted. <br />Chairman Carey requested updates from members. <br />Debbie Hepp reported the OCAC gave $27,000 in arts grants for the fall 2014 cycle which would be presented by the <br />BOCC at their February 3rd meeting which also marks their 30th year as a county department. She reported that a new <br />Piedmont Laureate was nominated, James Maxey from Hillsborough. <br />Karen DeHart reported that they are back from a two week break. Construction is near its end and they plan to move <br />back into their offices in March. She said they would like to host the Bureau for an upcoming board meeting. <br />Meg McGurk reported 7 or 8 businesses have emerged from the LaUNCh Chapel Hill campaign (which was made <br />possible by the collaboration of the Town of Chapel Hill, Orange County, UNC-Chapel Hill and the Chapel Hill Downtown <br />Partnership). The Varsity Theater has met its goal; raising over $40,000 through Kickstarter. Park on the Hill has an
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