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Agenda Items / Notes (April 8, 2015) <br />Call to order <br />Chair Rich called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM <br />2. Introductions <br />Introduction of members and staff <br />3. Update: Cedar Falls Artificial Turf Performance - Jim Orr- Director of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation <br />Jim read from a memo to the Chapel Hill Town Manager outlining the first year of the artificial fields at Cedar falls Park <br />March 23, 2015 <br />To: Roger Stancil, Manager <br />From: Jim Orr, Parks and Recreation Director <br />Subject: Cedar Falls Parks —First year of Artificial Turf <br />On December 20, 2013, the new artificial turf fields at Cedar Falls Park were dedicated and opened for play. This project was a partnership between Orange County and <br />the Town of Chapel Hill. As you can imagine, over the past year, the fields have received a tremendous amount of play and have become a popular venue of choice for <br />local organizations as well as for informal "pick -up" games. <br />hi this memo I will try to provide you a brief summary as to the extent of the successes that we have seen over this last year. <br />The time period that this analysis covers is from December 21, 2013 through December 20, 2014: <br />• 67,200 additional participants using the fields that were not using our fields at the same time the previous year. This information was gathered through our <br />RECTRAC reservation system. All groups are required to reserve these fields through this system. It captures organization name/address and number of <br />participants for every reserved time slot. This number does not take into consideration the Friday evenings from 4pm to lOpm and Sundays up until 4pm <br />that can't be reserved and is for open play on a first come first serve basis. We are estimating that an additional 7,500 people used the fields during those <br />hours through this time period. That brings the total usage to 74,700 participants. The hours that the fields are available for rental is M -Th. and Sat. from <br />lam to IOpm; Fridays from lam to 4pm; Sundays from 4pm to dark. Open play is scheduled for Fridays from 4pm to IOpm and Sundays from lam to 4pm. <br />If a field is not rented it can be used by any group or individuals on a first come first served basis at no charge. <br />• Revenue that was received during this time period was $80,000. This was tracked through the RECTRAC software system from organizations and <br />individuals. <br />• The overall expenses for the fields were in 2 categories: (1) Materials, such as paint for lining fields for Rugby and Field Hockey since they couldn't use the <br />permanent lines = $237.50 and(2) Labor; 103 man hours and an average hourly wage of $17.19 = $1,770.57. Total for labor and materials was $2,008.07. <br />• During the first year, the net revenue was $78,000. <br />• One expense item that will have to be budgeted for every 2 to 3 years will be an overall re -top dressing of the fields with the rubber infill. The timing will be <br />determined by overall amount of play and how much the existing infill may have shifted overtime. The expense for the top dressing is approximately <br />$10,000 conservatively. <br />• Each year we can expect a slight increase in revenue based on increase in participation and we can expect the same level of expense ($10,000 more for the <br />year the fields are top dressed. <br />By the information that has been gathered for the first year of operation of the artificial turf fields, it seems reasonable to say that the project has been successful and <br />was the `right" thing to do, based on the tremendous amount of field requests that the department had been receiving. The project took a non - revenue producing field <br />and turned it into the most popular athletic complex the Town has as well as producing a net profit of $78,000 per year. <br />Discussion followed: <br />1. How was attendance determined? Answer: Staff estimates it from snap shots taken every hour. <br />2. Funding came from? Answer: Chapel Hill and Orange County <br />3. When will it pay for itself? Answer: Less than ten years <br />4. Warranty? Answer: Eight years <br />5. Cost? Answer: $1,200,000 total (infrastructure plus fields); Fields $500,000- 600,000 <br />6. Cost to rent? Answer: $45 an hour w/ lights $35 without <br />7. Any complaints about using artificial? Answer: Not yet; one comment it was too cushy <br />4. Presentation: UNC Recreation Master Plan & Colligate Recreation <br />Bill Goa — Director of Campus Recreation at UNC <br />Bill replaced Marty Pomerantz; Prior - worked for 28 years at Nebraska <br />• UNC hired HOK to do a new Recreation Master Plan <br />• 3 Areas of concentration: <br />• Indoor <br />• Outdoor <br />• Carolina Outdoor Education Center <br />