Orange County NC Website
o Locations were revised by staff to match available rooms. There were no objections to <br />this change in location. New 2018 meeting calendars were distributed. <br />• Any other new information from CFE members and staff: <br />o The CFE discussed the article on the DOLRT written by Jeremy Marzuola. Crook made a <br />motion to post the article on the CFE Facebook page as written. Second by Parry. The <br />motion carried unanimously. <br />9:15 IX. Adjournment <br />• Next Meeting: February 12th, 2018 - Richard Whitted Building, 300 West Tryon Street, <br />Hillsborough (Location revised). Crook made a motion to adjourn and Gray seconded. The <br />meeting was adjourned at 9:20pm. <br />