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portion of its funding from federal, state, and other partners. Their 2014 to 2017 action plan is about to expire. It <br />identifies priority lands to acquire /protect. Some projects will carry over into the next action plan. <br />Agricultural easements are one tool used to protect land, but the terms of the agreements are flexible. Crook <br />asked if a utility scale solar farm was ever put on a piece of land with a conservation easement. Staff said that <br />this was unlikely, although there is an active project to explore getting an easement on a current solar farm. <br />Nature preserves are another focus of the program. Conservation easements are sought for historical properties <br />and for sensitive environmental areas. There may be connections to flood mitigation as well. <br />Several County advisory boards are invited to provide comments and priorities for the next 3 -year action plan. <br />The CFE is invited to provide input into the priorities this meeting and next with the aim of finalizing the input for <br />BOCC review in November. <br />Currently, much of the priority is based on protecting headwaters of streams, but wildlife corridors and other <br />connections may be a good way to expand. <br />Marzoula will draft a paragraph for the whole Commission's review and discussion. This will be a discussion item <br />on the October 9th agenda. <br />VII. CFE Committee Break -out Sessions <br />Committees did not meet due to a lack of member attendance. <br />VIII. Updates and Information Items <br />IX. Adjournment <br />Kaiser motioned to adjourn, Crook seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. <br />Summary by B. Bouma, AMS Staff <br />Next Meeting; October 9, Whined Building, <br />300 West Tryon St in Hillsborough <br />PLEASE NOTE; The November 13 <br />CFE meeting will be held at the Animal Services <br />Building, 1601 Eubanks Road, Chapel Hill, <br />