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Attachment 1 <br />Kaiser suggested that applicants need to provide more information /specificity to <br />their applications. <br />Multiple members stated that they had put up flyers in various locations. <br />Gronback offered to hang flyers in her place of business. Bouma offered to hang <br />flyers in extension offices, community centers, and agricultural centers in an <br />attempt to attract a variety of candidates, such as farmers. Marzoula sent the <br />most current flyer to the group via email. Crook suggested adding language to <br />the CFE advertisements that asks people to reach out to others they know that <br />might be interested in becoming a member. <br />Gronback suggested having a meeting with an open invitation to people who are <br />interested in joining. <br />Bill Ward gave information about himself and stated he was interested in joining <br />the CFE. <br />VI. UNC Capstone Students to Assist with SOE Report - Bouma stated that two <br />important aspects of the SOE are the letter grades for the specific indicators and <br />the format of the report as it relates to whom it is for and how they would like to <br />receive it. He brought to the CFE a potential opportunity to work with 8 -10 UNC <br />undergraduate students in a capstone course from February to April 2018 to <br />develop aspects of the SOE 2019. Bouma asked if the CFE would like the <br />assistance from the students to collect data for the SOE 2019. This data would <br />then be used by the CFE to create the report. Bouma stressed the importance of <br />providing the students with a solid foundation and as much upfront information as <br />possible. He suggested we identify who the audience will be and the purpose of <br />the SOE 2019. <br />Marzoula recommended that climate change and environmental justice be added <br />to the indicators. Gronback asked how climate change would be added to the <br />report; would it be in each category or an overarching category? Kaiser <br />suggested noting how each of the indicators will impact climate change. Crook <br />stated that indicators need a quantitative measure and asked how to measure <br />qualitative indicators. Bouma stated that there are groups that provide ways to <br />quantify that type of data. <br />How indicators are measured was discussed by the group. Newby recommended <br />that the CFE plug into different planning department's data to provide information <br />for indicators. Bouma suggested the students could look into these data <br />sources. <br />Bouma asked Becker to provide the group with any insight from the previous <br />SOE development. Becker advised identifying the current conditions and the <br />trends. She urged the group to continue with the trends to assess change over <br />time from previous SOEs. <br />Saul suggested the CFE record in the SOE what data needs to be collected that <br />is currently unavailable. <br />