Orange County NC Website
7. Explore the possibility of child care sites at public schools, and plan for these sites when <br />building new schools. <br />8. Explore expediting processes, tax incentives, and/or no interest loans for new child care <br />programs aging to open up. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />used on the subcommittee reports and the initial charge of the Task Force, the group compiled the <br />following list of recommendations to the Board of County Coimnissioners. <br />1. Establish a baseline for subsidy programs so that performance can be measured. Include <br />total subsidy dollars, average length of time on wait list before receiving assistance, and total <br />number of unique fenders. <br />2. Continue to seek additional support for child care subsidies from all county employers. <br />3. Request that the local chambers of commerce continue work with local businesses and <br />county agencies to educate and include more employers in creative problem solving <br />regarding clvld care. <br />4. Explore• financial and nonfinancial incentives, including but not limited to tax breaks, special <br />recognition, etc., for employers who assist employees with child care needs. <br />5. Request that county staff work with schools, developers, LTNC, Twin Creeks, Carolina <br />North, Durham Tecluucal Community College and other entities flzat may be expanding <br />their sites so that child care needs will be considered during new development. <br />6. Request that county staff work on efforts to educate the public on the value of early clvld <br />development. <br />7. Agencies who provide subsidy money should explore issues of access, including but not <br />limited to common applications. <br />8. Request that Orange County Government, LTNC, Town of Chapel Hill, Town of Carrboro, <br />and other agencies, at a rninitnum, maintain their current level of support. <br />It is recommended that the Social Services Board report back to the Board of County <br />Coininissioners annually on the activities that have occurred and on the progress being made in these <br />areas, particularly on the effort to increase financial support for subsidy programs. <br />