Orange County NC Website
gel <br />I A seamless integration of transportation services that offer a range of travel choices to support <br />2 economic development and are compatible with the character and development of our <br />3 communities, sensitive to the environment, improve quality of life and are safe and accessible <br />4 for all. <br />5 <br />6 Coordinated Planning & Public Involvement - graph <br />7 <br />8 Coordinated Planning & Public Involvement - graph <br />9 <br />10 Regional Coordination <br />11 <br />12 County Transit Plans - Durham County & Orange County Plan in 2017. The Capital <br />13 area MPO & Wake County approved in 2016. <br />14 • Alternatives — jointly defined, evaluated and selected the same land use alternative for <br />15 development into the final Plan. <br />16 • Joint Policy Board Meeting —joint MPO Policy Board meetings on November 30, 2016 <br />17 and November 30, 2017 <br />18 • Financial Plan — same financial methodologies and cost and revenue basis for all <br />19 aspects of the plan. <br />20 Triangle Regional Model (TRM) — same planning tool, version 6. <br />21 Goals, Objectives and Performance Measures — same set of Goals, Objectives and <br />22 Performance Measures to guide land use scenario <br />23 <br />24 Protect Highlight <br />25 DCHC MPO - <br />26 $7.5 Billion Road, Bike & Ped <br />27 $4.7 Billion Transit <br />28 CAMPO - <br />29 <br />30 $27.7 Billion Road, Bike & Ped <br />31 $6.7 Billion Transit <br />32 <br />33 Includes transit investments geared towards: increased frequency, expanding service, <br />34 redesigning networks, new services, improved infrastructure, electric busses, and last - <br />35 mile connections. <br />36 Discusses autonomous vehicle through improvements in the regions Intelligent <br />37 Transportation Systems (ITS). <br />38 <br />39 Financial Plan - graph <br />40 <br />41 Critical Planning Factors <br />42 • Air Conformity — The region no longer has any conformity requirements but continues <br />43 monitoring emissions using the latest Environment Protection Agency's air quality <br />44 model, MOVES. <br />45 • Environmental Justice — Both MPOs identify Community of Concern (CofC) that meets <br />46 various thresholds in determining transportation investments impacts. <br />47 • Safety and Security - Both the MPOs are proactive in addressing safety and security of <br />48 our overall transportation processes. <br />49 <br />