Orange County NC Website
12 <br />2 REQUEST: <br />3 Vehicular access restricted by an entry gate and gravel drive and 30 -50 foot wide <br />4 easement (via PIN 9835 -10 -3858) to an existing driveway onto US Highway70. <br />5 • STAFF COMMENT - This request seeks to re- approve a Class A SUP originally <br />6 approved by the BOCC on September 12, 2016; <br />7 • Approval expired in September of 2017; <br />8 This request is the same as previously approved with one exception. The <br />9 language and condition of approval requiring a recorded Conservation Easement <br />10 has been changed to read preservation of Natural Buffer Area. <br />11 <br />12 SURVEY OF PROPERTY <br />13 <br />14 SITE PLAN: <br />15 the black rows at are the solar panels; and chain link fence; applicant is providing a 100 ft set <br />16 back; a lot of existing trees; average height is 40 -60 ft tall <br />17 <br />18 REVIEW PROCESS: <br />19 STEP ONE — NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION MEETING (NIM): <br />20 STAFF COMMENT: The required NIM was held on November 13, 2017 from 6:30 -7:30 <br />21 p.m. in accordance with the UDO. They had two residents that attended. <br />22 STEP TWO — PLANNING BOARD REVIEW: Review the request and make a recommendation <br />23 to the BOCC on the project's compliance with specific development standards (Section 5.9.6) <br />24 and the general standards (Section 5.3.2 Special Uses) of the UDO. <br />25 STAFF COMMENT: Item reviewed at the January 10, 2017 meeting. Planning Board <br />26 unanimously recommended approval. <br />27 STEP THREE — PUBLIC HEARING: The BOCC holds a public hearing to allow the applicant <br />28 and other interested parties to provide sworn testimony related to the proposal. <br />29 STAFF COMMENT: The required public hearing will be held at the February 6, 2018 <br />30 BOCC Meeting. <br />31 STEP FOUR — DECISION: The BOCC will review the Planning Board and Staff <br />32 recommendations as well as any other evidence presented at the hearing, deliberate, certify the <br />33 record, close the public hearing, and then render a final decision. <br />34 <br />35 RECOMMENDATION <br />36 The Administration recommends the Board: <br />37 1. Receive the application; <br />38 2. Conduct the Public Hearing and receive sworn testimony and evidence as well as the <br />39 Planning Board and staff recommendation(s) on the application; <br />40 3. Close the public hearing; <br />41 4. Review and make a decision on the Findings of Fact and Conditions of Approval as <br />42 contained in Attachment 9. <br />43 ** Once the public hearing is closed there can be no further questions asked /answered <br />44 by the staff, the applicant, or other party and no additional evidence can be placed into <br />