Orange County NC Website
11 <br />1 Three individuals were sworn in: Applicant Brian Quinlan, Michael Harvey, <br />2 Supervisor /Planner III Orange County Planning, and Patrick Mallett, Planner II Orange <br />3 County Planning <br />4 <br />5 Chair Dorosin asked staff to review the abstract. <br />6 <br />7 Patrick Mallett: Good evening, Commissioners. Pat Mallett with Current Planning. I've been <br />8 duly sworn. Before I go through the presentation, I am going to walk you <br />9 through the large stack of what you're dealing with. With a special use permit, <br />10 you tend to have a lot of paperwork. You should have at each of your places: a <br />11 hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation; a larger stack that is the abstract on <br />12 the front end, and all the ten attachments; 11 x17 version of the site plan; and <br />13 then the script that follows through the process for a special use permit. I'd like <br />14 to enter all of those items into the record including the abstract in your packets <br />15 with all referenced attachments. <br />16 <br />17 Through consensus the Board entered all items associated with the application into the record <br />18 as requested by staff. <br />19 <br />20 Patrick Mallett made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br />21 <br />22 PUBLIC HEARING — <br />23 AGENDA ITEM: 5.a <br />24 CLASS A SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br />25 DEVELOPMENT OF A SOLAR ARRAY - PUBLIC UTILITY <br />26 Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />27 February 6, 2018 <br />28 <br />29 PROPERTY INFORMATION <br />30 • PIN(s): 9835 -02 -9137 (site); and 9835 -10 -3858 (access) <br />31 • Size: Approximately 52 acres (leased area +/ -27 acres) <br />32 • Zoning: R -1 (Rural Residential) <br />33 Overlay(s): Back Creek Protected Watershed/ Efland- Cheeks Highway 70 Overlay <br />34 District <br />35 Future Land Use Map Designation: 10 -Year Transition Area <br />36 Growth Management System Designation: Urban Designated <br />37 <br />38 REQUEST: <br />39 Erection of panels on 27 acres of 52 acre parcel; <br />40 Typical array between 7 -9 ft. in height, between 2 -3 ft. of ground clearance; and 50 -75 <br />41 ft. in length; <br />42 Arrays screened by existing vegetation (stream and floodplain buffers) and Type D Land <br />43 Use Buffer; <br />44 An 8' high chain link security fence around perimeter; <br />45 Gravel paths /drives around solar arrays to permit access; <br />46 Depending on the soil and topography, areas around the panels will be combination of <br />47 natural groundcover, grass, and /or paths; <br />