Orange County NC Website
SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND <br /> The Social Justice Fund was established in the General Fund in FY 2014 <br /> <br />Budget Actuals Remaining Uses <br />FY 2018 250,000$ 25,000$ 225,000$ $25K for Food Council <br />FY 2017 350,000$ 79,628$ 270,372$ $79.6K for Immigrant services to support El Centro, Refugee Community Partnership and Refugee Support <br />FY 2016 450,000$ -$ 450,000$ No expenditures <br />FY 2015 450,000$ 450,000$ -$ $100K for Family Success Alliance and $350K for Child Care Subsidy <br />FY 2014 250,000$ 250,000$ -$ $150K Day Care needs and $100K DSS <br />Note:Remaining amounts at the close of each fiscal year do not carryforward as an encumbrance. These amounts lapse to unassigned fund balance. <br />3