Orange County NC Website
Atta(�;hrnent 5 <br />U*- �*�* k <br />Conservation of Native Wildflowers along Orange County Roadways <br />WHEREAS, the natural beauty of native wildflowers in Orange County can be enjoyed by <br />everyone, can attract guests, and benefit commerce, environmental health, and public well- <br />being; and <br />WHEREAS, enjoyment of native wildflowers is an occasion for all County and community <br />leaders to unite for the benefit of everyone; and <br />WHEREAS, many naturally beautiful species of native wildflowers, including Indian paintbrush, <br />yellow wild indigo, and Carolina rose, are already prominently displayed along Orange <br />County's state and county roadways, and <br />WHEREAS, increasing the visibility of native wildflowers in Orange County is consistent with <br />the vision of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, and goals of many individuals, businesses, and <br />community-based organizations; and <br />WHEREAS, the presence of native wildflowers is essential to the fitness of native pollinator <br />species necessary for productive and profitable farms and forests-, and <br />WHEREAS, it is desirable and attainable to experience the beauty of many more native <br />wildflowers by reducing the frequency and extent of roadside mowing; and <br />WHEREAS, State Road 1006 (Orange Grove Road) and State Road 1114 (Buckhorn Road) <br />are examples of roadways with pilot projects where native wildflowers have been conserved; <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />does hereby commit and encourage others to commit to the conservation of roadside native <br />wildflowers along the roadways in Orange County, and do hereby authorize the Commission <br />for the Environment and County staff to work with the NC Department of Transportation, utility <br />companies, and property owners to plan and implement roadside management practices that <br />will increase the visibility and enjoyment of North Carolina native wildflowers. <br />This the 19th day of June, 2012. <br />Donna Baker, 6I to the Board <br />Bernadette etie lissier, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />F7�,P_-O <br />IN <br />