CFE agenda 050817
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Commission for the Environment
CFE agenda 050817
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Last modified
3/2/2018 1:12:42 PM
Creation date
3/2/2018 1:09:25 PM
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Regular Meeting
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CFE minutes 050817
\Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active\Commission for the Environment\Minutes\2017
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• Becker discussed an interest in ensuring that the CFE maintained its focus on reducing food waste. <br />• As there have recently been two educational articles on climate change written by Vice -Chair Kaiser <br />and endorsed by the entire CFE, the Air and Energy committee will focus its outreach on website and <br />Facebook page content. <br />• The green building item was also discussed, along with Chapel Hill's pilot incentive program and the <br />legal restrictions on incentives. The committee decided to specify that green retrofits are just as <br />important as new construction and may focus on commercial development as there is likely to be <br />more impact in that sector. <br />• The committee desires to keep all existing priorities on the list and to add two related priorities that <br />will be the specific focus for the upcoming year (numbers 1 and 2 below): <br />Air and Energy Resources Committee Priorities: (Becker, Parry, Crook, Newby, Nickodem) <br />1. Review Carrboro's Climate Action Plan and related actions and assess their applicability and feasibility <br />to Orange County operations and residents. <br />2. Survey grants that other local governments in NC are leveraging to work on environmental and <br />sustainability projects and assess their feasibility Orange County. <br />3. GHG Emissions Inventory — Consider whether it is feasible and worthwhile to conduct a <br />comprehensive update of the County 2005 greenhouse gas emissions inventory. <br />4. Green Building — Help the County develop an incentive program for green construction /retrofits. <br />5. Climate Change — Educate county residents about climate change, alternative energy sources and <br />efficiency, and steps to reduce their (and County government's) carbon footprint. <br />6. Energy Efficiency — Partner with Piedmont Electric Membership Corp and /or Duke Energy to take <br />advantage of USDA program for low- interest loans for energy efficient upgrades for its <br />members /owners. <br />Water Resources Committee Meetina Notes: <br />• The committee agreed that they had completed their previous action item to conduct a literature <br />review of maintaining stream buffers to protect water quality, aquatic habitat, and biodiversity. It was <br />removed from their list. <br />• They also agreed Priority 3 concerning Water Supply will be the main priority for this year and that <br />Cada and Kaiser may write a news article about it. <br />• Beyond that priority, Thomas - Ambat will brief the CFE about action item #4 below: <br />Water Resources Committee Priorities: (Cads, Ray, Thomas - Ambat, Kaiser, Gray) <br />1. Hydrilla Treatments — Continue to educate the public about hydrilla and other invasive species of <br />concern; continue to monitor chemical treatments to assure they are not harmful to rivers. (Status: <br />Ongoing, periodic reporting from Tom) <br />
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