Orange County NC Website
is also relevant to mitigation by reducing emissions associated with waste hauling and methane <br />emissions from the landfill. Methane is 21 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2; <br />reducing the amount of organics that end up in a landfill is therefore an important step for <br />reducing community GHG emissions21,22, and at the same time captures the carbon for use in <br />improving local soils. Further reductions in waste generated will also be helpful since Carrboro's <br />solid waste now has to travel to Durham, resulting in a higher transportation footprint. Carrboro <br />is currently pursuing a solid waste stud Y2' and Orange County is exploring expanded organics <br />collections through a proposed drop off site at Eubanks Road and a pilot program at the Carrboro <br />Farmers Market.24 Both of these efforts should result in further reductions in emissions. <br />Conclusion #1: Since solid waste related emissions are small relative to the total community <br />emissions, the expected /potential reductions resulting from future changes in solid waste services <br />will contribute incrementally but not substantially to the 50% reduction goal. <br />Summarizing Potential Reductions <br />Current and potential emissions from the above discussion are summarized in Figures 4 and 5. <br />Figure 4 presents emissions for the 2012 baseline from the community inventory along with <br />future "business as usual" and 50% reduction scenarios. A "business as usual" transportation <br />estimate is not included given the difficulty in completing this estimate with currently available <br />data. Figure 4 graphically depicts the magnitude of changes expected and needed to approach <br />the CCAP reduction goal for the different sectors and within the context provided by the 2012 <br />inventory data and methodology. <br />21 "USCG Position Statement: Keeping Organics Out of Landfills." US Composting Council. Accessed April 15, 2015. <br />htE: : / /composEin >council.or /adrnin /wp- onflen� uploads% 2011 /11 /Kccpin - <br />Org, anics- OLa-of-Land fills-Position JIg er "f <br />22 Daigneau, Elizabeth. "Curbside Composting Added to a Major City: Is It Yours ?" Curbside Composting Added to a Major <br />City: Is It Yours? February 1, 2012. Accessed April 15, 2015. btEp:/ /www. >overnin�.cornJto�aics /enemy- env /g,ov- curbside - <br />com�oyE:ing,- added- �:o -ma'og r�ciEV.hflml. <br />23 The bid documents are available at 5 <br />24 A presentation to the Solid Waste Advisory Group by HDR on longer range options is available at <br />hgEar: / /www.oran >eccnunflync. >ov /delroar61r1engs /solid waste rrlana >crrlent/ SWAG: e /11DR Or(>anicsPresentation Nov4.ndf <br />10 <br />