Orange County NC Website
mTCO2e. In other words, almost all of the current community electricity demand could <br />conceivably be generated by photovoltaics based on solar access alone, which is equivalent to <br />about 72% of the total community emissions, exceeding the 2025 climate action reduction goal. <br />The Department of Energy has estimated that about 175k square meters of rooftop space is <br />available in Carrboro, which is equivalent to about 34k MWh of potential annual generation, or a <br />little more than 1/3 of the amount extrapolated above. 15 However, economic constraints will <br />drive adoption of new solar capacity more than physical constraints, and it is probably overly <br />optimistic to project that solar generation will approach what is hypothetically /physically <br />possible by 2025 based on either total or rooftop area available. <br />Achieving more on the order of 5 -10% renewable energy generation of total electricity use in <br />Carrboro by 2025 may be more realistic. There are factors working towards an acceleration of <br />adoption of solar electricity. Most notably, the rapid reduction in the cost of hardware has led to <br />market forces being close to a "tipping point" at which solar electricity production could rapidly <br />accelerate. However, there are other factors that will limit new solar uptake, such as the <br />discontinuation of the state renewable energy tax credit, the state -level prohibition of Yd party <br />sales of solar electricity, the scheduled phased expiration of the federal tax credit between 2019 <br />and 2021, roof/building orientations and constraints, and as with energy efficiency of buildings, <br />the high proportion of homes that are not owner occupied. Solar installations have already <br />declined in 2016 relative to 2014 and 2015 in large part due to the discontinuation of the state tax <br />credit16. Finally, there are no opportunities, in all likelihood, in Carrboro for significant utility <br />scale ( -1 mW and larger) solar installations because of constraints such as the need for larger <br />open areas, less expensive land access, and proximity to substations with capacity. <br />There could be a niche for perhaps 20 -50 kW systems that can be developed through innovative <br />financing mechanisms and community collaboration'' " Because of rate structures and the <br />anticipated continued rise in electricity costs, the opportunity is enhanced for sites that can take <br />advantage of net metering, while maintaining electrical generation on an annual basis at or below <br />the onsite electrical demand. Figuring out the financing to create cash flow positive scenarios <br />and making solar installations straight forward and simple for property owners seem to be <br />primary constraints limiting the acceleration of solar installations. <br />A final note is that community members can also help offset emissions from electric generation <br />through renewable energy programs such as NC Green Power", Piedmont Electric's community <br />solar program19, and other organizations that support renewable energy generation. Accessing <br />15hgE r� . / /a�lros l .core.ener ov /;>lecl / # /re>ul�s /bailclin >sanclinclusE;r Y`— C'arrboro abv -1° (, &section electric:iEy&zi�r -27510 cur <br />rentS aEe— Nort.h %20Carolina&la�- 3S9107512N 1,n - 79.081452: 0000002 <br />16 Rob Pinder, personal communication <br />" The 2016 -17 operating budget has included resources to initiate this exploration. <br />18 h tEps: / / >reenpower.or / <br />19httph: / /pemc coop /save- energ�rrnoney/ renewable- generaE:ion /cornmunitysolar/ <br />