Orange County NC Website
Figure 1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Based on Household <br />25.0 Consumption for Carrboro Zip Codes <br />M <br />¢ 20.0 <br />U <br />U <br />L. <br />p 15.0 <br />a� <br />a� <br />10.0 <br />N <br />5.0 <br />P <br />45.0 <br />40.0 <br />35.0 <br />M <br />4 30.0 <br />U <br />U <br />25.0 <br />N 20.0 <br />O 2.1,5 <br />15.0 <br />10.0 <br />5.0 <br />Figure 2: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Based on Household <br />Consumption in NC by Zip Code <br />2 75 16 <br />1= lowest For 779 Zip Codes in NC (lowest to highest GGE) 789 = highest <br />A few points are worth emphasizing from this work: <br />1) The total emissions per capita relative to the community based methodology results in <br />about 3 times higher estimates. Conceptually, this is a function of geographically <br />limiting community based emissions estimates to activities within the municipal limits <br />and to direct emissions and a limited portion of the indirect emissions. For example, the <br />3 <br />