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Orange County <br />Commission for the Environment <br />DRAFT Meeting Summary <br />October 10, 2016 <br />Orange County Solid Waste Administration Building, Chapel Hill <br />PRESENT: Lynne Gronback (Vice Chair), May Becker, Loren Hintz, Bill Kaiser, Bill Newby, <br />Rebecca Ray <br />ABSENT: Peter Cada, Jeanette O'Connor, Sheila Thomas - Ambat, Lydia Wegman <br />STAFF: Brendan Bouma, Rich Shaw <br />GUESTS: David Hunt, Jim Northrup, Patrick Mallett, Rachel McCook, Alan Parry <br />I. Call to Order — Gronback called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm. She noted that seven <br />CFE members were needed for a quorum, but only six members were in attendance. <br />11. Additions or Changes to Agenda — Shaw asked to move up the discussion of the <br />CFE's use of Facebook and other social media so that David Hunt could take part in the <br />discussion prior to having to leave for fire training. Gronback asked CFE members if <br />there were any objections to that request; there was none. <br />111. Minutes — No action was taken on the August 8 meeting summary for lack of a quorum. <br />[Note: The order of agenda items IV. and V. was reversed.] <br />V. CFE Outreach and Facebook Page — The CFE continued its discussion on the use of <br />Facebook and other social media. David Hunt (BOCC Office, Information Specialist) <br />and Jim Northrup (Orange Co. Information Technology Director) presented information <br />and responded to questions on the use of social media by a County advisory board. <br />Shaw provided an overview of the CFE's initial creation of a Facebook page by former <br />CFE member Steve Nezgoda and subsequent postings of information by CFE members <br />Jeanette O'Connor and Loren Hintz. He said the CFE has not used the Facebook page <br />in several months pending information on how to conform to the social media policy. <br />Hunt explained the use of social media by County departments and by advisory boards. <br />He noted some of the potential problems that can occur and have occurred. Hunt and <br />Northrup offered their support for the CFE's transition of its current Facebook account to <br />a new Orange County account in accordance with the County's social media policy. <br />CFE members asked what kinds of information is considered inappropriate and would <br />need to be removed from the Facebook page. Hunt said to avoid posting copyrighted <br />material and to avoid advocating positions on political matters. Northrup suggested that <br />if the CFE includes information from other sources that its members make a reasonable <br />effort to know and understand the meaning of the content. He said if there is any <br />question about the appropriateness of material the CFE should ask for an opinion from <br />the County staff, and in some cases from the County Attorney. <br />Ray recommended the CFE establish internal protocols for the posting of material. She <br />pointed out that some organizations only "push" material to their social media page while <br />