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and regulations. The <br />In a written statement, <br />the EPA said that its rela- <br />system gets stretched, <br />tionship with the states is <br />thinner and thinner and <br />strong." But it provided <br />thinner," she said. <br />few internal records on <br />The EPA itself has been <br />state performance re- <br />pared down. Its full -time <br />' <br />quested by the Center. <br />workforce is under 14,400 <br />The documents it pro - <br />employees, down from <br />duced show that it's not <br />16,600 a decade ago. <br />uncommon for enforce - <br />Staffing across all 10 re- <br />ment inadequacies to go <br />gional EPA offices — _ = <br />unresolved long after <br />which work directly with <br />they've been identified. <br />states — has also declined. ", <br />While the EPA has re- <br />STARK DIFFERENCES <br />sisted recommendations <br />to radically shake up over <br />BETWEEN STATES <br />sight of states, it has tried ' <br />people <br />the dozens of people <br />other ways to improve. Its <br />interviewed for this n'' ,. <br />nascent Next Generation <br />no two could agree on = l <br />Compliance strategy is <br />which states or EPA re- <br />aimed at boosting enforce- <br />gions were excelling or <br />ment with enhanced <br />failing. Annual enforce - J <br />tracking that enables facil- <br />ment metrics provided by _ 3 <br />ities to "identify and fix <br />states — such as inspec- <br />pollution problems before <br />tions, violations and pe- <br />they become violations," <br />nalties — are riddled with <br />the EPA says. <br />"widespread and persist - <br />The agency has visited <br />ent data inaccuracy and <br />20 states to promote <br />incompleteness ... which <br />"Next Gen" and has given <br />make it hard to identify <br />11 funds for infrared cam - <br />when serious problems <br />eras that detect otherwise <br />exist or to track state ac <br />invisible pollution. Efforts <br />tions," the EPA wrote in a� <br />to beef up air monitoring <br />2013-memo. <br />are crucial, says the <br />The EPA's Office of <br />American Lung ' <br />Inspector General has kj <br />Association, because <br />repeatedly raised concerns <br />fewer than a third of U.S. <br />over uneven enforcement <br />counties have smog or <br />Ina 2011 audit, the office <br />particle- pollution mon- <br />found - that even top -per- <br />itors, leaving many con- <br />forming state agencies <br />munities in the dark about ' <br />failed to meet EPA goals <br />basic air quality. <br />for basic duties like in- <br />Janice Nolen, an <br />spections and wrote that A <br />assistant vice president of <br />the EPA "cannot assure <br />national policy at the asso- <br />that Americans in all <br />ciation, said underfunded = <br />states are equally protect- .' <br />states may not want to <br />ed from the health effects ' <br />expand monitoring. <br />of pollution." <br />"When you put a mon- <br />Auditor Kathlene Butler <br />itor in a place and it shows ` <br />said in an interview that <br />a problem," she said, <br />the differences among the <br />"then something's got to <br />states were stark. "It <br />be done." - <br />seemed some states were <br />very clear on what was <br />jie Jenny Zou is a reporter <br />expected of them in terms <br />with the Center for Public <br />of performance from the <br />Integrity, a nonprofit <br />[EPA] region," she said.. <br />investigative news <br />"Other states knew there <br />organization in <br />was an ability to nego- , <br />Washington, D.C. <br />tiate." <br />